dunnow if someone else did notice this, it happens just before the end of my installation for SoB v205 for WorldMap6. Here you find last part of installation:
The system cannot find the file specified
The system cannot find the file specified
<< this happens near 30 times >>
data\BH-TIS.bif will contain bla bla bla ...
ERROR: unknown resource extension [BAF]
[data\BH-REST.bif] will contain 1152 resources totalling 123570195 bytes
key saved (283 biffs, 54405 resources)
Press any key to continue ...
Like you can see the installation finishes ... but there is an error just before it happens, what could cause it? Something related with biffing process? I hope it won't hurt the game (my guess in "no", but i'm not a modder of course
