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Baldur's Goth for TuTu/BGT NPC expansion released!

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#1 AnnabelleRose


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Posted 08 February 2006 - 02:14 PM

Yep, finally finished one of the expansions.

This is the first of my expansions for the Baldur's Goth Project, which can be found at Spellhold Studios. I love the mod, and it is a staple of my Baldur's Gate Installs. The only thing I did not like was the fact that the "modded" NPCs did not fit in as well with the Default Bioware NPCs when this mod is used. So with the help of Sister Sinister, I started work on expansions for the project. This is but the first of many planned projects.

Basically, it is a paperdoll and portrait mod that aims to make the "modded" NPCs for both of the BG2 engine in BG1 expansions look more "Goth'. It provides no actual new content to the mod other then aesthetic changes.

It has been uploaded to the SHS Download Center, Yahoo Geocities, The Wizard's FTP site, and Gaming Nerds R Us.

Current Mirrors:

Gaming Nerds R Us

Yahoo Geocities

Spellhold Studios - Note that you can only find it in the "raw" download directory. It is not on the "main" download page yet.

And The Wizard has posted it on his kick-ass mirrors!





All mirrrors except for the Wizard's Mirrors have been updated with v2. I have been having trouble logging in there. Changes, listed in the updated readme.
Readme is below:



~ Baldur's Goth for TuTu/BGT - v.2 ~


- A Baldur's Gate II (SoA with or without ToB) Mod

+) Section 1. About
This mini-mod is a companiion to Baldur's Goth which enhances the graphical side of Baldur's Gate. This is an attempt to make the modded NPCs more "goth" and fit in more with the original Baldur's Goth mod. This version features edited portraits and paperdolls for all but one of the modded NPCs for the TuTu and BGT expansions of Baldur's Gate I.

+) Section 2. Installation
BTBGT is a WeiDU mod, which can be installed before or after any other WeiDU mod. Official patches and non-WeiDU mods should be installed prior to all WeiDU-mods, including The conversion of BG1 to either TuTu or BGT. It will only work if desired NPC is installed first.

+) Section 3. Components
Fabio - Fabio is the bard from The Secret of Bone Hill mod by Sir BillyBob. Fabio is a neutral bard, who can be found in the town of Restenford. The Secret of Bone Hill has it's own forum at Spellhold Studios. http://www.shsforums...p?showforum=194

Indira - Indira is a wonderful NPC mod by Ghreyfain. She is described as "half-elven, lawful good fighter/mage to be found in the Firewine Ruins." Her webpage can be found on the TuTu enhancements page: http://www.pocketpla...d=134&Itemid=94

Mulgore - Mulgore is one half of a NPC mod by Grave. Mulgore is a chaotic evil half-orc barbarian, who can be found at Ulgoth's Beard. He can be found (along with Xavia) at Spellhold Studios on this thread (they do not have their own website): http://www.shsforums...73

Mur'Neth - Mur'Neth is a NPC mod by Andyr. He is described as "a member of the race of ooze-like shapechangers who venerate Ghaunadaur, the evil deity of oozes, moulds and the like". He can be found in the Naskell Mines. He has his own page at Gibberlings Three: http://www.gibberlin...rneth/index.php

Xavia - Xavia is the other half of the NPC mod by Grave. Xavia is a neutral evil half-elf female assassin. Like Mulgore, she can be found at Ulgoth's Beard. She can be found (along with Mulgore) at Spellhold Studios on this thread (they do not have their own website): http://www.shsforums...73

+) Section 4. Special Note
Finch was not included in this mod at the request of Bons. I aksed for her permission via PM at Pocket Plane, and her responce was very nice:

"While a player can privately replace an NPC's portrait with anything they desire, I cannot endorse a mod that would change this attribute to be so at odds with Finch's character. I'd personally find it detrimental to the work I put into creating her, so I'll have to decline participation. Thank you for inquiring and good luck with your project."

So please, no one ask for a Finch component. Let's respect her wishes. Badgering people about thier mods is one of the many ways the modding community looses many talented modders.

+) Section 5. Credits
Major Tom Sawyer -
Coding, Packaging, and Portrait Editing.

Sister Sinister -
Encouragement, Patience, Planning, Portrait Editing, and Snuggling.

Andyr -
Original author of the Mur'Neth mod.

Ghreyfain -
Original author of the Indira mod.

Grave -
Original author of the Mulgore/Xavia mod.

Sir BillyBob -
Original author of The Secret of Bone Hill mod.

SConrad -
WeiDU Coding and Packaging (I totally ripped of his work). Not to mention the layout for this readme, it looked so cool!

Thanks to:
- Andyr, Ghreyfain, Grave, and Sir BillyBob - This mod would not exist without thier hard work. Thanks again for allowing permission for this mod.
- Sister Sinister, for your constant help.
- Jyzabyl, your support has always been a constant help.
- SConrad, for not getting POed when people rip-off his coding.
- Spellhold Studios - For hosting and providing a forum for this mod.

Modding and packaging tools used in creation:
- WeiDU by Westley Weimer
- Shadow Keeper by Mud Master? I am not certain on this....
- Photochop by Adobe.

+) Section 4. Contact Information
For technical issues, please contact MTS at majortomsawyer@hotmail.com, or on the Baldur's Goth forum at Spellhold Studios - http://www.shsforums...p?showforum=269

The Baldur's Goth for TuTu/BGT mod is not developed, supported, or endorsed by BioWare, Black Isle, or even The Pocket Plane Group.

+) Section 5. Version History

v2 - Corrected an error with Fabio's .cre files not having the extension listed in the .tp2 file. - Thanks Ascension64!
- Corrected the spelling of Indira, thanks Kulyok, and sorry Ghreyfain.

- Initial release.

Edited by MajorTomSawyer, 10 February 2006 - 08:22 AM.

- The transitioned former modder once known as MTS.

#2 pushmonkey

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Posted 08 February 2006 - 05:05 PM

Who is Indra?

#3 AnnabelleRose


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Posted 08 February 2006 - 05:54 PM

Who is Indra?

Indra - Indra is a wonderful NPC mod by Ghreyfain. She is described as "half-elven, lawful good fighter/mage to be found in the Firewine Ruins." Her webpage can be found on the TuTu enhancements page: http://www.pocketpla...d=134&Itemid=94

- The transitioned former modder once known as MTS.

#4 CamDawg



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Posted 08 February 2006 - 06:44 PM

Indira is not a cyclops.

(Get it? :) )

edit: I have been appropriately warned and cited by the Bad Joke Patrol. I regret nothing.

Edited by CamDawg, 08 February 2006 - 06:46 PM.

Why is this Hypnotoad video so popu... ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD.
The Gibberlings Three - Home of IE Mods

The BG2 Fixpack - All the fixes of Baldurdash, plus a few hundred more. Now available, with more fixes being added in every release.

#5 Shed



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Posted 09 February 2006 - 11:54 AM

Spellhold Studios - Note that you can only find it in the "raw" download directory. It is not on the "main" download page yet.

http://www.spellhold...ownloads/#bgoth :) .

#6 AnnabelleRose


    The great pretender... of modding!

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Posted 03 March 2006 - 07:48 AM

Topic locked and un-pinned. New version has been uploaded. :D

This one is D-E-D.

Edited by MajorTomSawyer, 03 March 2006 - 07:49 AM.

- The transitioned former modder once known as MTS.