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Arnel's Nalia Romance

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#1 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 04 January 2006 - 07:10 PM

Anyone here old enough (er, played SoA long enough) to remember this mod? It was designed for SoA and does not require ToB. It also doesn't work with any other mods. Well, if you add anything else, it has to be a Weidu installed mod and has to be installed after installing Arnel's mod.

So, I took his code and converted everything to a Weidu format. Dialogs will work with other dialog updating mods, you can install CtB, BP, Kelsey, whatever. Romances are another story though. I only tested this mod with the 4 standard mods (3 elf women and 1 human male) Come on, you know who they are.

Does that mean that it isn't compatible with Kelsey and the rest? I really don't know. Good time for you to test it out for me. :rolleyes: Let me know what doesn't work and I will see about updating this mod.

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#2 AnnabelleRose


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Posted 04 January 2006 - 07:14 PM

Thank you, been wanting a converted version of this for a very long time.

- The transitioned former modder once known as MTS.

#3 seanas

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Posted 05 January 2006 - 02:56 AM

great work SirBB, on this, Exnems, and all yr revisions!


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#4 -Kanain-

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Posted 06 January 2006 - 12:51 AM

I actually did this a long time ago, but I never posted it anywhere because I haven't scraped together the time to play through the thing to see if it works. I played up to the point where Nalia and <charname> marry, though, it was working up til then. Did you fix the plathora of spelling and grammer errors in it? Especially the numerous occasions where "Isaea" is misspelled? I did. I'm no weidu Ninja, though, so who knows if I did things right. I'm currently playing it again, though (just picked up Nalia in the Copper Coronet tonight), with 30 other mods installed so we'll see. Anyway, congrats...I know how long it took me to pour through that mod and try to figure out how to weidu it. It wasn't easy.....

#5 sadun

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Posted 06 January 2006 - 12:56 AM

Great job SBB. Keep up the good work. You da man :cheers:

#6 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 06 January 2006 - 05:58 PM

Most of the Weidu tricks are in modifying current dialogs. There isn't much else to modify in the TP2 file.

I pulled some of the D files into MS-Word to fix both spelling and grammar errors. That doesn't mean that I caught them all! So if you find some, please start a bug topic here and I will work on an update.

I think I mentioned in the Readme that I need people to test AR1700 (Sharp Teeth Pass). I want to know what type of problems you see. Especially with Tactics. I hope TDD works fine with this area but I don't know yet.

Last thing, I have no idea what type of bugs Arnel left in this mod. His forum is down so I can't track down any known issues. If anyone remembers any, post them here so we can try to a "Smack Down" on the bugs!

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#7 Archmage Silver

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Posted 08 January 2006 - 11:30 AM

Congrats on this, just noticed the link while checking if Jason had updated his Nalia romance progress thread. He apparently hasn't got the time yet. Oh, well. Now I've got this, great work and even nicer that you've fixed some of that crappy dialogue. A great mod, but Arnel's English was lacking.

#8 Sephiroth


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Posted 11 January 2006 - 12:37 AM

Agreed, I disliked having question marks in the middle of sentences (maybe words, its been a while since I've played thro it) (in addition to the other grammatical/spelling errors)

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#9 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 11 January 2006 - 03:17 PM

I believe the problem with that is either a font issue or ASCII conversion. The ? in the middle of a sentence usually is replacing the ' character. I see this once in awhile in emails from people in other countries sending English to me. Not sure what causes it. Anyway, I ran several of the larger D files through MS-Word to find these types of goofy problems. I am sure I missed a few so if you see them, post a note here.

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#10 -noname z-

-noname z-
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Posted 18 January 2006 - 09:04 AM

Hi, two questions:

1.) in the faq you wrote something about us having to install 2 different things for the mod to work but when running the setup i was only asked once if i want to install(the nalia-romance) . Am i missing something? Is there something else i have to download elsewhere?

2.)(may have to do with the first):
When i played the mod i had absolutely no new contents until after i saved Nalias home and rested outside (some talk about her having told me about her father and asking about mine). Was there nothing berfore (I have often problems with my computer crashing BG2 and some other games and dont want do work my way through the mod if i already missed things and the romance is doomed from the beginning).
p.s.: i played a fighter and got the keep

I know there was nothing new before, because i have the german game-version (ToB, the patch, and that fix included) and only have to look which language the characters use to recognise mod-content.

It would be nice if you could help, i would really like to play the mod, now that it finally has weidu. (Thats was the reason i never played that mod before).

Thanks !!!

#11 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 18 January 2006 - 03:12 PM

Her mod doesn't really kick in until after you saved her home. So it sounds like you are doing fine. The "other" thing to install is ToB. The original mod didn't require this if you addes the animations and effects that this mod needs from ToB. I didn't make a version of the mod that would add those files for you, so therefore, you need ToB installed before installing this mod.

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#12 -noname z-

-noname z-
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Posted 23 January 2006 - 04:02 AM

Thanks for the info, i already have ToB and obviously got that a bit wrong (i will just pretend that is because my native language is not english).

I´m going back to playing now :D

#13 Azazello


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Posted 23 January 2006 - 08:49 PM

Not only do I remember this mod, not only did I play it beginning-to-end, but guess what? (Chicken butt!!) I have a text dump of the forum before it was shut down due to the sickening amount of spam and profanity that people were shiting there.

Anyway, in between the filth are the various issues/problems that people had reported. So SBB, if you or anyone want a copy of the file I can post it here or PM. I have not taken the time to clean up the file, but it's yours for the asking. Lemme know.

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#14 Sir BillyBob

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Posted 24 January 2006 - 02:18 PM

You've got mail.

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#15 the bigg

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Posted 11 February 2006 - 08:18 AM

In case you miss it, Arnel posted here about the conversion of his mod: http://www.shsforums...ndpost&p=240020

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#16 sadun

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Posted 13 February 2006 - 07:21 AM

I believe the problem with that is either a font issue or ASCII conversion. The ? in the middle of a sentence usually is replacing the ' character. I see this once in awhile in emails from people in other countries sending English to me. Not sure what causes it. Anyway, I ran several of the larger D files through MS-Word to find these types of goofy problems. I am sure I missed a few so if you see them, post a note here.

? is a special case in that regards, mostly means there is no matching character between the same ascii value of two characterset and any other wrong character means it has but not proper. So usually ? means any specific character for that language. For example ç, ş, İ or ı for turkish characters.

You need to learn which character set he was used. What you can do is open dialog files with UTF8 character set which is multilangual. Or you can try AL16UTF16.