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There have been 12 items by Stonewarrior (Search limited from 03-July 23)

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#257771 four old mods

Posted by Stonewarrior on 17 July 2006 - 01:34 PM in Mod Resurrections

Thanks! That makes sense and I will try it when I get home.

#228243 Druidic Sorc Script Question

Posted by Stonewarrior on 11 November 2005 - 12:43 PM in Mod Resurrections

Edited for stupidity. LOL

#228026 TDD Help needed - SPOILERS

Posted by Stonewarrior on 09 November 2005 - 02:08 PM in Big Picture

Does anyone have a list of CLUA codes or know where I can find one for TDD? I am still having issues finding Jarlaxle in the Mir Forest. I reinstalled TDD and the patch and then my other mods. I have tried sleeping a coupole of times, but usually my game crashes to the desktop if I do it. Primarily, I want to finish the quest with Jarlaxle and Entreri. Thanks in advance!

#228232 TDD Help needed - SPOILERS

Posted by Stonewarrior on 11 November 2005 - 09:38 AM in Big Picture

Thanks so very much Ronin! I was able to talk to Jarlaxle this time and did a bit of his quests (2 of 3 dragons are done) last night.

#227850 TDD Help needed - SPOILERS

Posted by Stonewarrior on 07 November 2005 - 09:25 PM in Big Picture

Hi all, I just returned from hell via the wishes fromt he Demon Claw, but when I leave the Temple of Talos I am not given the option for the third wish (and Jarlaxle is not in the Deeper Mir Forest).  Any suggestions?  I had to CLUA to the Mir Forest the first time and had to CLUA Baurian in both times.  Thanks in advance!

Peace, John.

#218452 Deva Quest - help

Posted by Stonewarrior on 10 August 2005 - 11:16 AM in Longer Road

Thanks for the quick reply!  I too am at work so I can not send it until later.  I do not have BP installed.  I did have Tortured Souls installed...but uninstalled it b/c getting Irenicus as the game kept crashing (until I uninstalled it).  I have a LOT of mods installed though.  All Weidu...tactics, EoU, UB, GWTweaks and a host of others.  My first concern was that perhaps he spawned early and got caught in the crossfire as the battle was fairly intense.  I waited around to finish off the pesky imps and then waited and waited.  The second time when I made the deal I just hung out there for quite a while.

Anyway, thanks again and I will send the files this evening.

Peace, John.

#218282 Deva Quest - help

Posted by Stonewarrior on 08 August 2005 - 09:12 PM in Longer Road

Hi, I just entered the 3rd level of WK and have taken the Deva with me.  I completed the level once and didn't find a single item and have been replaying it tonight and still have not found an item.  Can someone tell me where even one item is?  I am going to try reinstalling the mod b/f trying again tomorrow night.

So far, I think this mod rocks!  The dialogue is amazing and while I have no idea how it will turn out the conversations I have been having with Irenicus have been outstanding. It is almost as if I am watching some sort of comprehension of what he has done wrong!  Great job!

Peace, John.

#218435 Deva Quest - help

Posted by Stonewarrior on 10 August 2005 - 07:08 AM in Longer Road

Thanks!  I finally found the Water, but never did find Bebilith.  I fought the Tanarri once and agreed to the deal once...the same with the other demons...and Bebilith never appeared.  Half of my group (including the PC and Irenicus) have rings that protect from evil on, could that possibly be preventing him from showing up?  I didn't think of that until after I shut down last night so I could test it.  Thanks!

Peace, John.

#218009 Game crashes

Posted by Stonewarrior on 05 August 2005 - 10:21 PM in Longer Road

I reinstalled a couple of times.  I believe it was a conflict with the Tortured Souls mod.  Once I uninstalled it the mod worked fine.  LOTS of dialogue and banters with everyone so far.   Very nice!

#217917 Game crashes

Posted by Stonewarrior on 04 August 2005 - 08:44 PM in Longer Road

Hi all, I am playing the Longer Road for the first time and as I am getting to leave I am approached by Rielev.  I get into the dialogue when he tells me who is he and about his new master and all of a sudden the game crashes.  I am trying to reinstall the mod now to see if it works.  However, any suggestions would be appreciated.


#225686 TDD / Riativan Quest

Posted by Stonewarrior on 17 October 2005 - 12:42 PM in Big Picture

Hi all, after defeating the pirates etc when I was mistakenly send to Spellhold I was not approached by a shadow thief to tell me about where to find the guy who set me up. I did not realize I was to talk to someone until much later (as in 2-3 weeks in game time) b/c of doing various quests etc and doubt I have a save that far back. Is there a way to access the area I need to go to finish the quest. I think his name was Artemis Enteri or something...I think he shows up in another mod in the Chapter 6 fight with Bohdi.

I have Saeritleth in my party and am getting to Spellhold via the Radiant Knights so I was not sure if that might be causing a problem as I am not dealing with the Shadow Thieves.

Thanks in advance!

#230482 Download / Install problems

Posted by Stonewarrior on 02 December 2005 - 01:48 PM in Mod Resurrections

Hi all, I have been attempting to download / install Deeper Shadows of Amn, Ajoc's Minimod and the Planar Sphere Mod for about a week now with very little success.  I finally got DSA to DL / I properly last night, but the other two are still a mystery.  I have tried a couple of methods of downloading and opening and each time when I open .rar all I see is the "folder", not the setup file or the othe file.  When I extract the folder to my BG II SOA folder I do not have the setup file in my directory (but it is in the mod folder.  If I move the setup and other file to my directory I can get to the point of choosing a language, but then I get an error something like the file is not my directory.  When I got DSA to propoerly install I was able to see the setup and other file in .rar when I went to extract.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I have tried downloading from several sources both on this sites download page and from 3D.

Peace, John.