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BiG World Project (BWP) v8.3

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#201 Tonton Fred

Tonton Fred
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Posted 16 March 2010 - 08:07 AM

While testing a megamod install, got the following on SCS install :

### 6110: Improved Drasus party: v13 ###
Setup-scs.exe --noautoupdate --language 0 --skip-at-view --force-install-list 6110 --logapp
[Setup-scs.exe] WeiDU version 21300
[Setup-scs.exe] Using scripting style "BG2"
Using Language [English]

Installing [Improved Drasus party]
Copying and patching 1 file ...

Baldur's Gate Trilogy detected.
Appending to files ...
Appending to files ...
Appending to files ...
Appending to files ...
Appending to files ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 2 files ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
ERROR: cannot convert magespelltype or %magespelltype% to an integer
ERROR: [kysus.cre] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR Installing [Improved Drasus party], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall   7 files for [SETUP-SCS.TP2] component 6110.
Uninstalled      7 files for [SETUP-SCS.TP2] component 6110.
ERROR: Not_found
PLEASE email the file SETUP-SCS.DEBUG to www.gibberlings3.net
Automatically Skipping [Improved Drasus party] because of error.
Using Language [English]


G:\install\BGII - SoA>ERROR: cannot convert magespelltype or %magespelltype% to an integer
ERROR: [kysus.cre] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)
ERROR: Not_found
Improved Drasus party: v13 (Sword Coast Stratagems (SCS) v14) was not installed due to errors.
The following will not be installed without the component:

Sword Coast Stratagems (SCS) v14:
6110: Improved Drasus party: v13

You can try to repair the problem and start the installation of the component again. In this case please select "retry" after the repair.||If you don't want to spent time for that now, you can also continue without the component or exit the program. The BiG World Setup will continue with the installation of that component.
Enter [r]etry, [c]ontinue or [e]xit.

I checked in my override, and there IS a kysus.cre file in there... :blink:

Relevant section of the setup-scs.debug :


EDIT : same problem with component 6130

ERROR: cannot convert magespelltype or %magespelltype% to an integer
ERROR: [shaldr.cre] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR Installing [Improved Undercity party], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall   6 files for [SETUP-SCS.TP2] component 6130.
Uninstalled      6 files for [SETUP-SCS.TP2] component 6130.
ERROR: Not_found

(but shaldr.cre is present in override)

and 6140

ERROR Installing [Improved minor encounters], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall   5 files for [SETUP-SCS.TP2] component 6140.
Uninstalled      5 files for [SETUP-SCS.TP2] component 6140.
ERROR: Failure("Unknown Macro: mage_script_list")

Also error in Turnabout
ERROR locating resource for 'COPY'
Resource [ppguy02.cre] not found in KEY file:
Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR Installing [Ascension: Turnabout], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall 116 files for [SETUP-TURNABOUT.TP2] component 0.
Uninstalled    116 files for [SETUP-TURNABOUT.TP2] component 0.
ERROR: Failure("resource [ppguy02.cre] not found for 'COPY'")

I installed Ascension for BP, but not the BP core component, don't know if that could be related, but there were no mentioned dependencies issues.

Edited by Tonton Fred, 16 March 2010 - 08:51 AM.

#202 Hoppy


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Posted 16 March 2010 - 01:01 PM

Also error in Turnabout

ERROR locating resource for 'COPY'
Resource [ppguy02.cre] not found in KEY file:
Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR Installing [Ascension: Turnabout], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall 116 files for [SETUP-TURNABOUT.TP2] component 0.
Uninstalled    116 files for [SETUP-TURNABOUT.TP2] component 0.
ERROR: Failure("resource [ppguy02.cre] not found for 'COPY'")

I installed Ascension for BP, but not the BP core component, don't know if that could be related, but there were no mentioned dependencies issues.

Hmmmm, the original Turnabout asks to see finbodh.dlg to install (basically an Ascension check). Now with BP's core component, the creature file ppguy02.cre exists so I guess the BP-Ascension does require the core component, at least for stability. I also thought that BP-Ascension didn't require the core component but I guess it does, at least to avoid conflicts or errors with Post-Ascension type mods.

Edited by Hoppy, 16 March 2010 - 01:02 PM.

?May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies.? - Voltaire

"If you think that a size of the mod indicates an amount of bugs that it introduces and their severity you're totally wrong...
Try not to use next time a load of shitty "super-mega-improving-tweaking-revising" small mods that you have installed and try to meet Wulfgar once again."
- King Diamond

Posted Image The Definitive Guide to Trolls

"Finding food and a place to sleep is your own business. I imagine Paul the Cat should have some fun with you, too" - Potencius in The Darkest Day
"You have been warned, little bastard!" -Khelben to a young <CHARNAME>in Check the Bodies
There are those who will snivel, and offer nothing in return except criticism, meanwhile never lifting a finger to do other than to cut other peoples labor down simply for the fact that they lack the capability to put anything of their own together. -erebusant

#203 ancalimon

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Posted 16 March 2010 - 04:28 PM

I don't know how knowing about Weidu.exe's help me to finish an installation.

Because it's the name of the program all the mods are installed with and it comes with all of mods in the BWP... as the WeiDU.exe can actually open one of the games file(dialog.tlk, among other things that make it the best installer tool there is), and attach new info on it(strings), which then show up in the game...

The BiG World Install.bat actually starts the setup-*modname*.exe's that are all the WeiDU.exe's just renamed which then edit the game files...

I still don't understand. I install Big World Setup.exe and start the Big World Setup.vbs from a CMD window which I start as administrator. (using Win7) it asks me the installation type. When I say standard and choose do not download foreign mods, it downloads the mods (keeping all the mods in a folder so it only checks them) and then unpacks them. I "don't" change anything at all apart from removing the three companion mods that are no longer available on the net. After that it "automatically" opens a dos window and asks me a couple of questions regarding which kit to install, to install rule modification or not. After that it starts installing many things and stops at some point doing nothing after several hours.

I don't even get this:
You can try to repair the problem and start the installation of the component again. In this case please select "retry" after the repair.||If you don't want to spent time for that now, you can also continue without the component or exit the program. The BiG World Setup will continue with the installation of that component.
Enter [r]etry, [c]ontinue or [e]xit.

Should I actually stop the installation and edit something? I do exactly as I'm told to do except I'm not installing in my C partition but my F partition. I guess that's not important.

Or should I remove some of the mods which are included in the standard installation? It is written that there are no bugs in the standard installation. So I guess it's not the problem?

Edited by ancalimon, 16 March 2010 - 04:40 PM.

#204 Lollorian


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Posted 16 March 2010 - 04:43 PM

After that it "automatically" opens a dos window and asks me a couple of questions regarding which kit to install, to install rule modification or not.

After you get that dos window, close it and do this :)

1) Randomly run (double-click) a few Setup-<something>.exe's (there'll be some 150+ .exe's like that, choose whichever ones you want (but choose different ones) :D If they hang, just close them and skip to the next .exe. Repeat until you get an option to ...
[I]nstall,[N]ot Install and [Q]uit
Choose a language:
2) Don't press any of those keys :) Just quit again and run the BiG World Install.bat
3) Answer the questions and win a million ... mods :P

Edited by Lollorian, 16 March 2010 - 04:49 PM.

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin :D when I'm usually around :P.
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"


GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod

#205 dabus

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Posted 16 March 2010 - 04:50 PM

The point where it gets stuck is when the weidu-installers that are used to actually integrate stuff into BGII is started and tries to update itself. When it comes to that point, nothing will happen even if you wait until infinity.

Open the BiG World Fixpack.bat and go to line 244.
Add --noautoupdate to the command so it looks like this:

"%WEIDU%" --noautoupdate --force-install 0 --nogame --log nul "%UTILS%\cre_check.tp2" --args "%UTILS%" | %TEE_CMD%

This way, the autoupdate is not launched and the weidu-files will get updated through the BiG World Install.bat later.

I don't know why nobody (including me) reported/noticed such an obvious thing:
The Fixpack launches the cre_fixer, which uses weidu. Weidu updates and vanishes into some update-loops.
The update by the Install.bat comes a few lines later but that is obviously a little bit too late. :D

Edited by dabus, 16 March 2010 - 04:50 PM.

THINK! - It's not illegal.

#206 Tonton Fred

Tonton Fred
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Posted 16 March 2010 - 05:56 PM

I guess the BP-Ascension does require the core component, at least for stability.

Ok, but I chose SCS AI in the install ; that means that the BP Core component does not get installed by the BAT. So if I want to install Turnabout, I must choose "BP AI" for the whole game ? :blink:

Additional errors :

SCS II Smarter Mages fails to install

ERROR locating resource for 'COPY'
Resource [dw#sprfi.spl] not found in KEY file:
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR Installing [Mages only cast short-duration spells instantly at start of combat if they are created in sight of the PC], rolling back to previous state
[scsII/backup/6151/UNSETSTR.6151] SET_STRING uninstall info not found
Will uninstall 672 files for [SCSII/SETUP-SCSII.TP2] component 6151.

BG2 Tweak Pack

SKIPPING: [Description Updates for Universal Clubs Component]
	This component is not available in your language.

BP Series parse error


Thrown Hammers
ERROR locating resource for 'COPY'
Resource [%tsu%ax1h04.itm] not found in KEY file:
Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR Installing [Normal throwing hammers], rolling back to previous state


ERROR: error loading [hammers/%ipth%/t-dagg02.itm]
Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR Installing [Additional magic items], rolling back to previous state
ERROR: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "hammers/%ipth%/t-dagg02.itm")

Any ideas about the 3 SCS I failures (see above) ?


Edited by Tonton Fred, 16 March 2010 - 06:26 PM.

#207 Mike1072

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Posted 16 March 2010 - 06:29 PM

SCS II Smarter Mages fails to install

Manually re-install SR with the latest hotfixes and try again.

BG2 Tweak Pack

SKIPPING: [Description Updates for Universal Clubs Component]
	This component is not available in your language.

Yeah... check the documentation. Really.

#208 Tonton Fred

Tonton Fred
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Posted 16 March 2010 - 06:40 PM

Manually re-install SR with the latest hotfixes and try again.

Ok, I will try that.

Yeah... check the documentation. Really.

Right, my bad... Perhaps it should be mentioned in the PDF and not be selected as part of a Standard English install then ^_^ even though it will end being skipped anyway ; call that nagging if you will :lol:

#209 Hoppy


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Posted 16 March 2010 - 09:53 PM

Additional errors :

BP Series parse error

[tb#_compile_eval_buffer/bpseries\baf\BPFT-CL.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 230 column 1-45
Near Text: )
	[Specifics] argument [NEEDS_BREACH] not found in [Specific.IDS]

[tb#_compile_eval_buffer/bpseries\baf\BPFT-CL.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 233 column 1-52
Near Text: )
	[ChangeSpecifics] argument [NEEDS_BREACH] not found in [Specific.IDS]

[tb#_compile_eval_buffer/bpseries\baf\BPFT-CL.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 245 column 1-45
Near Text: )
	[Specifics] argument [NEEDS_BREACH] not found in [Specific.IDS]

[tb#_compile_eval_buffer/bpseries\baf\BPFT-CL.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 248 column 1-52
Near Text: )
	[ChangeSpecifics] argument [NEEDS_BREACH] not found in [Specific.IDS]

[tb#_compile_eval_buffer/bpseries\baf\BPFT-CL.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 260 column 1-45
Near Text: )
	[Specifics] argument [NEEDS_BREACH] not found in [Specific.IDS]

[tb#_compile_eval_buffer/bpseries\baf\BPFT-CL.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 263 column 1-52
Near Text: )
	[ChangeSpecifics] argument [NEEDS_BREACH] not found in [Specific.IDS]

[tb#_compile_eval_buffer/bpseries\baf\BPFT-CL.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 278 column 1-44
Near Text: )
	[Specifics] argument [HAS_SHIELDS] not found in [Specific.IDS]

[tb#_compile_eval_buffer/bpseries\baf\BPFT-CL.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 281 column 1-51
Near Text: )
	[ChangeSpecifics] argument [HAS_SHIELDS] not found in [Specific.IDS]

[tb#_compile_eval_buffer/bpseries\baf\BPFT-CL.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 296 column 1-44
Near Text: )
	[Specifics] argument [HAS_SHIELDS] not found in [Specific.IDS]

[tb#_compile_eval_buffer/bpseries\baf\BPFT-CL.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 299 column 1-51
Near Text: )
	[ChangeSpecifics] argument [HAS_SHIELDS] not found in [Specific.IDS]

[tb#_compile_eval_buffer/bpseries\baf\BPFT-CL.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 314 column 1-44
Near Text: )
	[Specifics] argument [HAS_SHIELDS] not found in [Specific.IDS]

[tb#_compile_eval_buffer/bpseries\baf\BPFT-CL.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 317 column 1-51
Near Text: )
	[ChangeSpecifics] argument [HAS_SHIELDS] not found in [Specific.IDS]

[tb#_compile_eval_buffer/bpseries\baf\BPFT-CL.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 324 column 1-43
Near Text: )
	[Specifics] argument [SIMULACRUM] not found in [Specific.IDS]
[./override/GENDER.IDS] loaded, 228 bytes

[tb#_compile_eval_buffer/bpseries\baf\BPFT-CL.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 335 column 1-50
Near Text: )
	[ChangeSpecifics] argument [SIMULACRUM] not found in [Specific.IDS]
[./override/GTIMES.IDS] loaded, 1567 bytes
[./override/SLOTS.IDS] loaded, 837 bytes

[tb#_compile_eval_buffer/bpseries\baf\BPFT-CL.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 2526 column 1-41
Near Text: )
	[HaveSpell] argument [DRUID_SHAPESHIFT_FROM_WOLF] not found in [Spell.IDS]

[tb#_compile_eval_buffer/bpseries\baf\BPFT-CL.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 2528 column 1-46
Near Text: )
	[HaveSpell] argument [DRUID_SHAPESHIFT_FROM_BROWNBEAR] not found in [Spell.IDS]

[tb#_compile_eval_buffer/bpseries\baf\BPFT-CL.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 2532 column 1-44
Near Text: )
	[Spell] argument [DRUID_SHAPESHIFT_FROM_WOLF] not found in [Spell.IDS]

[tb#_compile_eval_buffer/bpseries\baf\BPFT-CL.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 2534 column 1-49
Near Text: )
	[Spell] argument [DRUID_SHAPESHIFT_FROM_BROWNBEAR] not found in [Spell.IDS]
[./override/RACE.IDS] loaded, 1032 bytes
[./override/AREATYPE.IDS] loaded, 181 bytes

[tb#_compile_eval_buffer/bpseries\baf\BPFT-CL.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 3100 column 1-31
Near Text: )
	[Specifics] argument [SIMULACRUM] not found in [Specific.IDS]

[tb#_compile_eval_buffer/bpseries\baf\BPFT-CL.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 3102 column 1-42
Near Text: )
	unknown object SPECIFIC specifier [SIMULACRUM]

[tb#_compile_eval_buffer/bpseries\baf\BPFT-CL.baf]  ERROR at line 3102 column 1-42
Near Text: )
ERROR: parsing [tb#_compile_eval_buffer/bpseries\baf\BPFT-CL.baf]: Parsing.Parse_error
ERROR: error compiling [tb#_compile_eval_buffer/bpseries\baf\BPFT-CL.baf]: Parsing.Parse_error
ERROR: compiling [bpseries\baf\BPFT-CL.baf]!
Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR Installing [BPSeries v3.65 by seanas (w/ revisions by Horred the Plague)], rolling back to previous state
[bpseries\backup/0/UNSETSTR.0] SET_STRING uninstall info not found
Will uninstall   0 files for [SETUP-BPSERIES.TP2] component 0.
Uninstalled      0 files for [SETUP-BPSERIES.TP2] component 0.


I think you definitely need BP AI for the BP-Series scripts. Actually I change that think to a know.


Edited by Hoppy, 16 March 2010 - 09:58 PM.

?May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies.? - Voltaire

"If you think that a size of the mod indicates an amount of bugs that it introduces and their severity you're totally wrong...
Try not to use next time a load of shitty "super-mega-improving-tweaking-revising" small mods that you have installed and try to meet Wulfgar once again."
- King Diamond

Posted Image The Definitive Guide to Trolls

"Finding food and a place to sleep is your own business. I imagine Paul the Cat should have some fun with you, too" - Potencius in The Darkest Day
"You have been warned, little bastard!" -Khelben to a young <CHARNAME>in Check the Bodies
There are those who will snivel, and offer nothing in return except criticism, meanwhile never lifting a finger to do other than to cut other peoples labor down simply for the fact that they lack the capability to put anything of their own together. -erebusant

#210 joshuar9476

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Posted 17 March 2010 - 06:43 AM

aVENGER mentioned over at G3 that the sharpshooter kit from S&S needed to be installed before RR .... but the guide has the kits being installed after the first steps of RR ... the sharpshooter kit does throw a bunch of errors and roll back if installed after RR. on my current install i have tried installing just that one kit before RR, but i have yet to test it ... also, i don't know if aVENGER's mod changes any properties of the kit once installed on top ... sorry if this was mentioned before, i didn't want to navigate through all the pages.

the G3 thread is here
i have a witty signature thought up, i just haven't posted it yet.

#211 -maximus2001-

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Posted 17 March 2010 - 09:40 AM

Well, downloaded and checked... still the same.
Also, trust me that we would have our butts kicked long before since 1pp is a standard-mod that is included in nearly every installation.

Ok, I probably added that stuff to the 1pp line at the end because I dont have item or spell revisions installed, and then forgot to delete #6, oops. (Was probably seeing double at that point)

Started from a clean install (put in clean data, override, chitin, etc.). Ran the install.bat and everything was fine till the next day when biffing choked...I was out of hard drive space! Figured the install would be about 30 gig, in the end I was 1 gig short.

So I just made space and ran it again, then TOB hacks. Everything was ok, game started fine. But when making a character saw all the kits for Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Druid, and Bard were doubled.


Mole whacker
Cow slayer
Squirrel killer
Mole whacker
Cow slayer
Squirrel killer

Interesting. How do I fix this? Thing is I wanted Tactics Anti Paladin but it doesn't show up. The bat file puts the kit after ashes of embers (which I rem) so I added it where the rest of tactics was installed.

rem :: %IFS%ModKitRemover%IFNIF%ModKitRemover.DEBUG %IFS%ModKitRemover%L%0%SK% 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 | %M%

rem %IF% BWP_AOE_Kits %IFES%SPSTUFF%IFIF%Divine_Remix%S%SPSTUFF%L%0%SK% 0 1 2 3 5 6 --logapp | %M%
rem %IF% BWP_AOE_Kits %IFGS%SPSTUFF%IFIF%Divine_Remix%S%SPSTUFF%L%1%SK% 0 1 2 3 5 6 --logapp | %M%
rem %IF% BWP_AOE_Kits %IFHS%SPSTUFF%IFIF%Divine_Remix%S%SPSTUFF%L%2%SK% 0 1 2 3 5 6 --logapp | %M%

rem %IF% BWP_AOE_Kits %IFES%Tactics%IFIF%ashesofembers%S%Tactics%L%0%SK% 27 --logapp | %M%
rem %IF% BWP_AOE_Kits %IFGS%Tactics%IFIF%ashesofembers%S%Tactics%L%2%SK% 27 --logapp | %M%
rem %IF% BWP_AOE_Kits %IFHS%Tactics%IFIF%ashesofembers%S%Tactics%L%4%SK% 27 --logapp | %M%

and I put it here (its component #27)

%IFTES%Tactics%S%Tactics%L%0%SK% 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 20 24 27 28 29 31 32 33 36 --logapp | %M%
%IFTGS%Tactics%S%Tactics%L%2%SK% 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 20 24 27 28 29 31 32 33 36 --logapp | %M%
%IFTHS%Tactics%S%Tactics%L%4%SK% 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 20 24 27 28 29 31 32 33 36 --logapp | %M%

Help me Obi wan your my only hope! :mellow:

P.S. I would add the bat file as an attachment but can't figure out how.

#212 ancalimon

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Posted 17 March 2010 - 09:46 AM

The point where it gets stuck is when the weidu-installers that are used to actually integrate stuff into BGII is started and tries to update itself. When it comes to that point, nothing will happen even if you wait until infinity.

Open the BiG World Fixpack.bat and go to line 244.
Add --noautoupdate to the command so it looks like this:

"%WEIDU%" --noautoupdate --force-install 0 --nogame --log nul "%UTILS%\cre_check.tp2" --args "%UTILS%" | %TEE_CMD%

This way, the autoupdate is not launched and the weidu-files will get updated through the BiG World Install.bat later.

I don't know why nobody (including me) reported/noticed such an obvious thing:
The Fixpack launches the cre_fixer, which uses weidu. Weidu updates and vanishes into some update-loops.
The update by the Install.bat comes a few lines later but that is obviously a little bit too late. :D

I tried editing the BiG World Fixpack.bat after the dos installation window came. and the recommended installation went smoothly. Thanks a lot! I wonder am I the only noob who wants to play Baldur's Gate with Big World Setup? :woot: By the way will you fix the next release of BWS so that we won't have to edit the file?

#213 dabus

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Posted 17 March 2010 - 11:23 AM

Huh? Why the noob-question? All people who have these mods could run into this problem and there were a few dozen people who asked the same question as you did.
I reported the problem to Leonardo (the guy that started the BiG World Project and maintains the batches) and I think he'll fix it.

Edited by dabus, 17 March 2010 - 11:25 AM.

THINK! - It's not illegal.

#214 Hoppy


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Posted 17 March 2010 - 12:44 PM

I wonder am I the only noob who wants to play Baldur's Gate with Big World Setup?

Nope and now your noobiness belongs to us. :devil: :ROFL: :lol: :ROFL:
?May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies.? - Voltaire

"If you think that a size of the mod indicates an amount of bugs that it introduces and their severity you're totally wrong...
Try not to use next time a load of shitty "super-mega-improving-tweaking-revising" small mods that you have installed and try to meet Wulfgar once again."
- King Diamond

Posted Image The Definitive Guide to Trolls

"Finding food and a place to sleep is your own business. I imagine Paul the Cat should have some fun with you, too" - Potencius in The Darkest Day
"You have been warned, little bastard!" -Khelben to a young <CHARNAME>in Check the Bodies
There are those who will snivel, and offer nothing in return except criticism, meanwhile never lifting a finger to do other than to cut other peoples labor down simply for the fact that they lack the capability to put anything of their own together. -erebusant

#215 Hoppy


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Posted 17 March 2010 - 01:03 PM

So I just made space and ran it again, then TOB hacks. Everything was ok, game started fine. But when making a character saw all the kits for Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Druid, and Bard were doubled.


Mole whacker
Cow slayer
Squirrel killer
Mole whacker
Cow slayer
Squirrel killer

I don't want to know where these come from but you will have to edit your 2da files that look something like K_H_F. The K is for kit; the H is for human and will be different for the races; the F is for Fighter and will be different for the classes.

Your KITLIST.2da hopefully won't have double entries as well as your KIT.IDS. The row numbers in your KITLIST correspond to the numbers in the K_x_x 2DA files. So if Mole whacker is in row 94 in the kitlist.2da, then you probably have two entries in the K_x_x fiel. Remove one.
?May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies.? - Voltaire

"If you think that a size of the mod indicates an amount of bugs that it introduces and their severity you're totally wrong...
Try not to use next time a load of shitty "super-mega-improving-tweaking-revising" small mods that you have installed and try to meet Wulfgar once again."
- King Diamond

Posted Image The Definitive Guide to Trolls

"Finding food and a place to sleep is your own business. I imagine Paul the Cat should have some fun with you, too" - Potencius in The Darkest Day
"You have been warned, little bastard!" -Khelben to a young <CHARNAME>in Check the Bodies
There are those who will snivel, and offer nothing in return except criticism, meanwhile never lifting a finger to do other than to cut other peoples labor down simply for the fact that they lack the capability to put anything of their own together. -erebusant

#216 ancalimon

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Posted 17 March 2010 - 05:49 PM

right now I'm trying a standard installation.
Some already existing mods (same file names like Kivan-v9.exe and Imoen-v1202Full.rar) were redownloaded and overwritten.

What did I do wrong? :)

Edited by ancalimon, 17 March 2010 - 05:53 PM.

#217 Lollorian


    smiley addict

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Posted 17 March 2010 - 05:55 PM

Is the double-kits stuff maximus2001 got cause of Refinements?? :unsure: Anyway, maximus2001 man, WeiDU.log would confirm whether the kit is installed :)

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin :D when I'm usually around :P.
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"


GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod

#218 Miloch



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Posted 17 March 2010 - 06:43 PM

Thrown Hammers

ERROR locating resource for 'COPY'
Resource [%tsu%ax1h04.itm] not found in KEY file:
Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR Installing [Normal throwing hammers], rolling back to previous state


ERROR: error loading [hammers/%ipth%/t-dagg02.itm]
Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR Installing [Additional magic items], rolling back to previous state
ERROR: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "hammers/%ipth%/t-dagg02.itm")

Due to technical reasons with ADD_PROJECTILE, you have to install any subcomponents immediately after the main component without a pause in between (pretty sure it says this in the readme). If you've already got the main component installed, uninstall it and then install everything at once.

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#219 Tonton Fred

Tonton Fred
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Posted 17 March 2010 - 07:43 PM

Due to technical reasons with ADD_PROJECTILE, you have to install any subcomponents immediately after the main component without a pause in between (pretty sure it says this in the readme). If you've already got the main component installed, uninstall it and then install everything at once.

Everything was indeedninstalled at the same time, by the BW BAT :

%IFNLS%hammers%S%hammers%L%0%SK% 0 25 35 50 | %M%

I just edited the DEBUG file to show you the relevant parts, but they were all installed together. Here's some more debug goodness :


Notice that the core component installs fine, then it all goes south. I'll try another run today to see if it keeps happening.

EDIT : wait, when you said "no pause in between", did you mean that all the components should be installed with a single WeiDu command ? Because if that's the case, that's definitely not what the BAT is doing :

Setup-hammers.exe --noautoupdate --language 0 --skip-at-view --force-install-list 0 --logapp
Setup-hammers.exe --noautoupdate --language 0 --skip-at-view --force-install-list 25 --logapp
Setup-hammers.exe --noautoupdate --language 0 --skip-at-view --force-install-list 35 --logapp
Setup-hammers.exe --noautoupdate --language 0 --skip-at-view --force-install-list 50 --logapp

The readme says "if you wish to install any optional components, you must install them immediately after the main component so that WeiDU can interpret the new projectiles." So if immediately means "don't install anything else between the components", then we're fine and the problem is something else. But if it means "install all the components with a single command", then the BAT needs tinkering...

Edited by Tonton Fred, 17 March 2010 - 07:49 PM.

#220 Lollorian


    smiley addict

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Posted 17 March 2010 - 07:58 PM

Doesn't this:
%IFNLS%hammers%S%hammers%L%0%SK% 0 25 35 50 | %M%
Setup-hammers.exe --language 0 --skip-at-view --force-install-list 0 25 35 50
?? :unsure: Rather than ...
Setup-hammers.exe --noautoupdate --language 0 --skip-at-view --force-install-list 0 --logapp
Setup-hammers.exe --noautoupdate --language 0 --skip-at-view --force-install-list 25 --logapp
Setup-hammers.exe --noautoupdate --language 0 --skip-at-view --force-install-list 35 --logapp
Setup-hammers.exe --noautoupdate --language 0 --skip-at-view --force-install-list 50 --logapp
Feel free to hit me with a piano now :P

Edited by Lollorian, 17 March 2010 - 08:07 PM.

"I am the smiley addict, yellow and round, this is my grin :D when I'm usually around :P.
When there's trouble brewing, see me post, cuz it's usually a wall o' yellow and your eyes are toast!!!"


GitHub Links : BWP Fixpack | Lolfixer | BWP Trimpack | RezMod