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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Dec 31 2011 04:08 PM
  • Last Updated: Dec 31 2011 04:08 PM
  • File Size: 1.78MB
  • Views: 7113
  • Downloads: 25581
  • Readme: http://bigg.spellholdstudios.net/stivan/readme.html

Download Stivan the Hunter

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This mod adds Stivan the Hunter, a new joinable NPC, to Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn and its expansion, Throne of Bhaal, complete with the usual array of banters, friendships, quests and interjections.

Stivan is a Chaotic Neutral Male Halfling Fighter/Thief whom you can find in the Bridge District (a map marker is added to help you find him) and will join any party.


If asked about his past, STIVAN doesn't hesitate before narrating his life with abundance of detail. Born in Athkatla to a family of wine merchants, the Halfling saw his parents being slaughtered by a ravaging flock of seagulls, an attack he survived by sheer luck. Thus his hatred for what he defines "the feathered enemy", which he claims to be responsible of his next misfortunes as well - losing his father's activity and possessions to a rich merchant who, rather than help him, left him penniless.
Forced to live on Athkatla's streets, the Halfling happily accepted CHARNAME's offer to join his band, glad to offer him his knowledge of the city and thankful for having found a new ally on his crusade against seagulls.

Please refer to the Readme for further details.

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