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- Submitted: Dec 26 2011 04:21 PM
- Last Updated: Jan 12 2012 03:45 PM
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W_GUI beta 0.6a - a GUI replacement for Baldur's Gate 2 ToB, TUTU, Classic Adventures
Author: Kwiat_W (kwiatw.e[at]
Languages: Polish, English, Spanish, Russian, Italian, and French
After playing the same game for over ten years, it?s obvious that some players may be bored with the old brownish interface and the usual menu layout. This is mod for those who are tired of the current layout and who are not afraid to discover a new visual style. It?s still the same good old Baldur?s Gate 2, but in new shades of blue.
W_GUI is a game modification that aims to completely redo the graphical user interface for Baldur?s Gate 2, BGTuTu and BGT. The mod works well with the bigg?s Widescreen Mod and includes new game fonts in different sizes, for those who play in high resolutions and think that original font is too small and hard to read. W_GUI also supports tweaks to the game interface made by Ascension64 ToBEx.
The mod is in the beta phase of development but is mostly finished, and even in it?s current state replaces most of game?s interface seen during singleplayer.
W_GUI supports 800X600 and 1024X768 screen resolutions (but works also in higher resolutions with the Widescreen mod) in a single player game only.
Other mods that make any changes to GUI (this includes TobEx) should be installed before this mod. The only exception is Widescreen mod, which should be installed after W_GUI.
Extract the RAR archive content into your BGII main directory. This is normally "C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\".
Run "Setup-W_GUI.exe".
To reinstall or uninstall the mod, run Setup-W_GUI.exe again.
Special thanks to:
Hutnuk - for sending me polish font files from IWD2
Tassadar88 - for proofreading english readme
Ancalagon el Negro/Clan REO - for spanish translation
Refiler - for russian translation
Giuseppe - for italian translation
Isaya and Aranthys - for french translation
Prowler - for help with testing
Lava Del'Vortel - for contributing 3 graphics for the GUI (save game, biography, AI script selection screens) and ongoing support for this mod
Tools Used in Creation:
WeiDU by Wes Weimer, The Bigg -
DLTCEP by Avanger - http://forums.gibber...p?showforum=137
BAM Workshop 1 and MOS Workshop by Glenn Flansburg -
BAM Workshop 2 by Andrew Bidges -
font bam generator by Haen - http://www.shsforums...onts-for-pt-pl/
Version history:
Version 0.6a (12.01.2012)
- Irenicus pants on the start screen are no longer blurry
Version 0.6 (27.12.2011)
- added french translation, by Isaya and Aranthys
- item description screen made wider
- new bigger fonts in 5 variants + new font used for numbers (item count, weight)
- new screens: option screens, save/load screens and few others
- new tooltip graphic
- chapter screen for the White Queen mod
Version 0.5 (19.02.2011)
- added italian translation, by Giuseppe
- fixed a bug that caused crashes during ToB portion of the game
- W_GUI should now work with ToBEx UI hacks
Version 0.4a (27.06.2010)
- added russian translation, by Refiler
Version 0.4 (20.06.2010)
- new UI screens: HLA and sorcerer spell selection screen
- chapter screens for the following mods: Innershade, Check The Bodies
- Classic Adventures start screen
- one more BGT specific UI screen
- adjustments to loading screens
Version 0.3 (23.02.2010)
- new UI screens: chapters, start, loading screens
- chapter screens for the following mods: Classic Adventures, Tales of The Deep Gardens, Fading Promises, The Darkest Day
- changes to "record screen"
Version 0.2 (06.07.2009)
- added spanish translation, by Ancalagon el Negro/Clan REO
Version 0.1 (04.05.2008)
- first public release
Author: Kwiat_W (kwiatw.e[at]
Languages: Polish, English, Spanish, Russian, Italian, and French
After playing the same game for over ten years, it?s obvious that some players may be bored with the old brownish interface and the usual menu layout. This is mod for those who are tired of the current layout and who are not afraid to discover a new visual style. It?s still the same good old Baldur?s Gate 2, but in new shades of blue.
W_GUI is a game modification that aims to completely redo the graphical user interface for Baldur?s Gate 2, BGTuTu and BGT. The mod works well with the bigg?s Widescreen Mod and includes new game fonts in different sizes, for those who play in high resolutions and think that original font is too small and hard to read. W_GUI also supports tweaks to the game interface made by Ascension64 ToBEx.
The mod is in the beta phase of development but is mostly finished, and even in it?s current state replaces most of game?s interface seen during singleplayer.
W_GUI supports 800X600 and 1024X768 screen resolutions (but works also in higher resolutions with the Widescreen mod) in a single player game only.
Other mods that make any changes to GUI (this includes TobEx) should be installed before this mod. The only exception is Widescreen mod, which should be installed after W_GUI.
Extract the RAR archive content into your BGII main directory. This is normally "C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\".
Run "Setup-W_GUI.exe".
To reinstall or uninstall the mod, run Setup-W_GUI.exe again.
Special thanks to:
Hutnuk - for sending me polish font files from IWD2
Tassadar88 - for proofreading english readme
Ancalagon el Negro/Clan REO - for spanish translation
Refiler - for russian translation
Giuseppe - for italian translation
Isaya and Aranthys - for french translation
Prowler - for help with testing
Lava Del'Vortel - for contributing 3 graphics for the GUI (save game, biography, AI script selection screens) and ongoing support for this mod
Tools Used in Creation:
WeiDU by Wes Weimer, The Bigg -
DLTCEP by Avanger - http://forums.gibber...p?showforum=137
BAM Workshop 1 and MOS Workshop by Glenn Flansburg -
BAM Workshop 2 by Andrew Bidges -
font bam generator by Haen - http://www.shsforums...onts-for-pt-pl/
Version history:
Version 0.6a (12.01.2012)
- Irenicus pants on the start screen are no longer blurry
Version 0.6 (27.12.2011)
- added french translation, by Isaya and Aranthys
- item description screen made wider
- new bigger fonts in 5 variants + new font used for numbers (item count, weight)
- new screens: option screens, save/load screens and few others
- new tooltip graphic
- chapter screen for the White Queen mod
Version 0.5 (19.02.2011)
- added italian translation, by Giuseppe
- fixed a bug that caused crashes during ToB portion of the game
- W_GUI should now work with ToBEx UI hacks
Version 0.4a (27.06.2010)
- added russian translation, by Refiler
Version 0.4 (20.06.2010)
- new UI screens: HLA and sorcerer spell selection screen
- chapter screens for the following mods: Innershade, Check The Bodies
- Classic Adventures start screen
- one more BGT specific UI screen
- adjustments to loading screens
Version 0.3 (23.02.2010)
- new UI screens: chapters, start, loading screens
- chapter screens for the following mods: Classic Adventures, Tales of The Deep Gardens, Fading Promises, The Darkest Day
- changes to "record screen"
Version 0.2 (06.07.2009)
- added spanish translation, by Ancalagon el Negro/Clan REO
Version 0.1 (04.05.2008)
- first public release
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