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- Submitted: Apr 07 2010 01:51 AM
- Last Updated: Jun 27 2010 11:00 PM
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Download The Rogue Class Switching Mod (Bard to Thief and vice versa)

Rogue Switch
A bard kit for Baldur's Gate 2, by lroumen. Preserved prefix: LR
This mod introduces a kit for both bard or thief that allows one to shapeshift into the other at will (through an innate ability) without a timer and without a limitation to the amount of switches per day. The intent is to make this particular bardkit into a stand-alone character that can either be a thief or a bard, effectively negating the necessity for a thief in the party.
The mod makes use of the changeclass option in the game and keeps track of personal progression of the character. Should you level up as a bard, then you gain 20% bonus to thieving skills similar as to what you get when you level up as a thief. These points are distributed to one of three disciplines.
picking skills: 10% pick locks and 10% pick pockets
trapping skills: 10% find traps and 10% detect illusions
stealth skills: 10% to hide in shadows and 10% to move silently
Should you level up as a thief, you do not gain the spell level per bonus, but this can be corrected by having an NPC cast a restoration spell on you.
This does not seem to work. In version 1.3 I have corrected this by deleveling the character after you have switched to a bard and providing a releveling the character. Once you have releveled you have obtained the correct spell levels. In this process I temporarily remove the switching ability to enforce you to level up again as a bard. In addition, you do not gain HLAs as a thief, but with the delevel-relevel you will gain a HLA as a bard.
The only problem is that I have been unable to fix the additional proficiency stars that you get (at certain levels you get one as a thief and upon delevel-relevel you get one again as a bard). It is up to you to try not to abuse this. Since you do not obtain mastery in any weapon I find it not too imbalancing, but it does not deserve a beauty price for good modding on my account.
When you change class the character buttons (F1 to F12) will be those of the original class. Reclick your character to get the correct button set. Thus, it is possible to switch to a thief and have bard buttons and sing the bardsong if you had not reclicked your character. A minor bonus which is not really helpful at all and there is no way to overcome this.
This has been fixed by applying a scripted doubleclick on the character, which centers the character in the screen.
Two installation options are available.
BluePrint: includes class changing and thieving bonus upon level up.
Lux way: includes BluePrint as well as a Custom Bardsong, Custom Weaponspell, Custom Dialogue for level up of thieving abilities.
Kit descriptions.
Bardic Switch: The Switch is a nimble rogue who sings songs and rights wrongs. In his youth the Switch has been trained by a mysterious creature called the Master Switch, whom you can expect to see again.
Becoming a Switch entitled that he focused the development of muscles on speed and nimbleness rather than strength and force.
Due to this training the Switch incurs a penalty of 1 in strength which is in turn gained in dexterity.
- Dexterity +1
- Can change class into a thief
- Must be of neutral alignment
- May use all levels in weapon styles
- Strength -1
- May not be of lawful alignment
Thief Switch: Same as above
Custom Bardsong:
Levle 1-19: Protection from web, entangle and hold. Cures hold. Dex +1.
Level 20: Protection from web, entangle and hold. Cures hold. Dex +3. Attacks per round +1. Invisibility.
Custom Weapon: Switch Blade
Tier 1: 1d8+1, thac0+1, profs longsword = 1, blurred, 10% chance to heal 1HP, attack per round = 1.5
Tier 1: 1d8+2, thac0+2, profs longsword = 2, blurred, 15% chance to heal 2HP, attack per round = 2
Tier 1: 1d8+3, thac0+3, profs longsword = 3, blurred, 20% chance to heal 5HP, attack per round = 3
Tier 1: 1d8+4, thac0+4, profs longsword = 4, blurred, 25% chance to heal 10HP, attack per round = 4
Version History:
VERSION 1.3 Changes
- Fixed button bar
- Fixed bard spell slots
- Fixed TOB behaviour
VERSION 1.2 Changes
- Innate abilities have no casting speed to prevent interruption.
- Foldername change (used to be bardkit_finalised, currently RogueSwitch)
- BWL closed free access to forum. Mod uploaded to SHS Miscellaneous Mods.
VERSION 1.1 Fixes
- bardsong did not work properly and enhanced bardsong was overwritten when you switched classes. The enhanced bardsong has been removed and instead the normal bardsong upgrades to it at level 20.
- SPL LRSW009.spl has been fixed. LRSW010.spl and LRSW011.spl are now obsolete.
- Uploaded to BlackWyrmLair. Very greatful for the exposure.
- Uploaded to BlackWyrmLair. Very greatful for the exposure.
Ardanis, Jarno Mikkola, Hoppy, Kwiat_W, Wisp and the bigg for some tips on the coding.
Known Issues:
Character class changing and Level progression of the Switch is monitored through a global variable protocol which does not work for multiple Switches in the same party. Please only use one Switch or you will run into problems (both switches may change class at the same time or the wrong level up is given for each switch resulting in too few or too many bonus thieving skills).
This mod is made using DLTCEP and Weidu.
If you in any way wish to change the stats and bonuses of the bardic and thief switches I will fully understand. I just gave it a bit more flair by adding a few bonuses such as the weapon spell and custom bardsong. All of the bonuses are added through the baf file since putting them in the clab 2da file will reapply them again when you change class a few times, thus giving you multiple of the same bonuses.
More bonuses can be added through the baf file by checking the level of your character. You are welcome to remove or change these bonuses and/or add your own in your installation (just use // to disable them in the baf and edit the kit 2da file). Be sure not to mess with the character level checking and thieving bonus provision though or you break the core part of the mod. Also, with regard to the 2da, do not put your bonuses in the clab file or they will be duplicated every time you change class. Please put them in the baf file (and probably for all 6 players with a similar check as shown in the baf).
A full description of each global is added to the readme in order to give you an idea about what is important to the core of the mod and what is flair. If someone wants to know, I can dissect it even further and do a step-by-step thing.
I am currently working on a similar concept for ranger/paladin and cleric/monk although the latter will probably fail due to issues with the monks clab file (since when you change class, all bonuses in the clab are applied to the character again).
Kind Regards,
A bard kit for Baldur's Gate 2, by lroumen. Preserved prefix: LR
This mod introduces a kit for both bard or thief that allows one to shapeshift into the other at will (through an innate ability) without a timer and without a limitation to the amount of switches per day. The intent is to make this particular bardkit into a stand-alone character that can either be a thief or a bard, effectively negating the necessity for a thief in the party.
The mod makes use of the changeclass option in the game and keeps track of personal progression of the character. Should you level up as a bard, then you gain 20% bonus to thieving skills similar as to what you get when you level up as a thief. These points are distributed to one of three disciplines.
picking skills: 10% pick locks and 10% pick pockets
trapping skills: 10% find traps and 10% detect illusions
stealth skills: 10% to hide in shadows and 10% to move silently
This does not seem to work. In version 1.3 I have corrected this by deleveling the character after you have switched to a bard and providing a releveling the character. Once you have releveled you have obtained the correct spell levels. In this process I temporarily remove the switching ability to enforce you to level up again as a bard. In addition, you do not gain HLAs as a thief, but with the delevel-relevel you will gain a HLA as a bard.
The only problem is that I have been unable to fix the additional proficiency stars that you get (at certain levels you get one as a thief and upon delevel-relevel you get one again as a bard). It is up to you to try not to abuse this. Since you do not obtain mastery in any weapon I find it not too imbalancing, but it does not deserve a beauty price for good modding on my account.
This has been fixed by applying a scripted doubleclick on the character, which centers the character in the screen.
Two installation options are available.
BluePrint: includes class changing and thieving bonus upon level up.
Lux way: includes BluePrint as well as a Custom Bardsong, Custom Weaponspell, Custom Dialogue for level up of thieving abilities.
Kit descriptions.
Bardic Switch: The Switch is a nimble rogue who sings songs and rights wrongs. In his youth the Switch has been trained by a mysterious creature called the Master Switch, whom you can expect to see again.
Becoming a Switch entitled that he focused the development of muscles on speed and nimbleness rather than strength and force.
Due to this training the Switch incurs a penalty of 1 in strength which is in turn gained in dexterity.
- Dexterity +1
- Can change class into a thief
- Must be of neutral alignment
- May use all levels in weapon styles
- Strength -1
- May not be of lawful alignment
Thief Switch: Same as above

Custom Bardsong:
Levle 1-19: Protection from web, entangle and hold. Cures hold. Dex +1.
Level 20: Protection from web, entangle and hold. Cures hold. Dex +3. Attacks per round +1. Invisibility.
Custom Weapon: Switch Blade
Tier 1: 1d8+1, thac0+1, profs longsword = 1, blurred, 10% chance to heal 1HP, attack per round = 1.5
Tier 1: 1d8+2, thac0+2, profs longsword = 2, blurred, 15% chance to heal 2HP, attack per round = 2
Tier 1: 1d8+3, thac0+3, profs longsword = 3, blurred, 20% chance to heal 5HP, attack per round = 3
Tier 1: 1d8+4, thac0+4, profs longsword = 4, blurred, 25% chance to heal 10HP, attack per round = 4
Version History:
VERSION 1.3 Changes
- Fixed button bar
- Fixed bard spell slots
- Fixed TOB behaviour
VERSION 1.2 Changes
- Innate abilities have no casting speed to prevent interruption.
- Foldername change (used to be bardkit_finalised, currently RogueSwitch)
- BWL closed free access to forum. Mod uploaded to SHS Miscellaneous Mods.
VERSION 1.1 Fixes
- bardsong did not work properly and enhanced bardsong was overwritten when you switched classes. The enhanced bardsong has been removed and instead the normal bardsong upgrades to it at level 20.
- SPL LRSW009.spl has been fixed. LRSW010.spl and LRSW011.spl are now obsolete.
- Uploaded to BlackWyrmLair. Very greatful for the exposure.
- Uploaded to BlackWyrmLair. Very greatful for the exposure.
Ardanis, Jarno Mikkola, Hoppy, Kwiat_W, Wisp and the bigg for some tips on the coding.
Known Issues:
Character class changing and Level progression of the Switch is monitored through a global variable protocol which does not work for multiple Switches in the same party. Please only use one Switch or you will run into problems (both switches may change class at the same time or the wrong level up is given for each switch resulting in too few or too many bonus thieving skills).
This mod is made using DLTCEP and Weidu.
If you in any way wish to change the stats and bonuses of the bardic and thief switches I will fully understand. I just gave it a bit more flair by adding a few bonuses such as the weapon spell and custom bardsong. All of the bonuses are added through the baf file since putting them in the clab 2da file will reapply them again when you change class a few times, thus giving you multiple of the same bonuses.
More bonuses can be added through the baf file by checking the level of your character. You are welcome to remove or change these bonuses and/or add your own in your installation (just use // to disable them in the baf and edit the kit 2da file). Be sure not to mess with the character level checking and thieving bonus provision though or you break the core part of the mod. Also, with regard to the 2da, do not put your bonuses in the clab file or they will be duplicated every time you change class. Please put them in the baf file (and probably for all 6 players with a similar check as shown in the baf).
A full description of each global is added to the readme in order to give you an idea about what is important to the core of the mod and what is flair. If someone wants to know, I can dissect it even further and do a step-by-step thing.
I am currently working on a similar concept for ranger/paladin and cleric/monk although the latter will probably fail due to issues with the monks clab file (since when you change class, all bonuses in the clab are applied to the character again).
Kind Regards,
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