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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Jan 10 2010 07:52 PM
  • Last Updated: Jan 10 2010 07:52 PM
  • File Size: 16.01MB
  • Views: 4439
  • Downloads: 1157
  • Forum: www.shsforums.net/forum/234-miscellaneous-released-mods/

Download K'aeloree's Unfinished Varia

* * * * * 1 Votes

Alright. So, I was looking through some of my old mod folders, and realised there was a bunch of things which would never see the light. For the vast majority of it, that's probably for the best--but I still felt bad thinking that it'd sit there moldering away on my harddrive forever.

In order to rectify that, I've decided to "release" a bunch of things. I use the word "release" extremely lightly, as none of the things in this file constitute anything remotely releasable.

Feel free to download, take a browse around and comment. Keep in mind that a lot of it--especially the stuff in the "old" folder is... well, extremely old, written when I was about 13-14, and is suitably apalling. Some of it may be amusing, though, I hope. I mean, some of those early banters are vomit-worthy, and a lot of the characters are Mary-Sues.

Some of the stuff in the rar includes:
  • Everything I have on Illyria on my harddrive. Included multiple revisions and versions of dialogue. It's a mess, really. Includes her awesome portrait, by Lady Lesatho.
  • Everything I have on Arath on my harddrive. Arath was an awesome NPC that Riviera, Deva, SConrad and I never finished. Includes a number of threads, and an awesome portrait by Lady Lesatho.
  • Drogar, a sort of "example" NPC for those new to coding I don't think I ever finished.
  • Irenicus Enhancements--a minimod that was supposed to add more interest to the Irenicus dialogues in the game, but I never finished writing. Wouldn't take much to finish really, but I don't have the motivation.
  • Nephele, a halfway-finished NPC for SoA. Out of everything in this rar, Nephele is my favourite. She's a nosy, overattentive mother. (Nephele might be making an appearance in Classic Adventures in the future, as I've given the team permission to plunder). She's probably my second-favourite character ever done (Arath being first).
  • Amaunator's Regret quest, written for one of BWL's challenges. Holy shit, this is bad. Might be an entertaining, if overly dramatic and badly structured read.
  • Some random IEP dialogues that never went anywhere.
  • Some of the stuff I did for new book images in the game.
  • aaand Padraig, my first BGII project ever with a guy named Sentinal. Never went anywhere beyond some mucking around.
Hope it provides some entertainment!

If anyone would like to use any of the material in here please feel free to ask. Though, for most of it, I doubt anyone ever will since it's so bad. :D

DO NOT TRY TO INSTALL ANYTHING. I doubt any of it works.

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