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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Sep 18 2009 08:51 PM
  • Last Updated: Sep 29 2009 11:28 AM
  • File Size: 553.19K
  • Views: 8713
  • Downloads: 34511

Previous Versions

  • 29 Sep 2009 Download Werewarrior - a fighter kit for BG2
  • 24 Sep 2009 Download Werewarrior - a fighter kit for BG2
  • 23 Sep 2009 Download Werewarrior - a fighter kit for BG2
  • 18 Sep 2009 Download Werewarrior - a fighter kit for BG2

Download Werewarrior - a fighter kit for BG2

* * * * - 1 Votes

A fighter kit based on an idea by Stardusk on the SHS boards. It is open to all races and alignment and requires 9 STR. Nothing fancy here.

Update 090929: fixed weapon immunity for the lv 19+ forms.

Older updates: Fixed the claws - they are now proper enchanted weapons (they were previously were missing the "magical" flag). They now also get the bonus to hit and damage as +X weapons. Also boostedthe  regen rate for higher-level forms a bit.

Now includes an option for claw proficiency type: fists or daggers. Fist-type is similar to how any other shape-changing ability works and offers no particular strengths or weaknesses; dagger-type makes the werewolf form's claws use the dagger weapon proficiency (obviously) and also allowes the character to specialize in daggers.

Kit description:

WEREWARRIOR: A fighter who has devoted all his efforts to learning and controlling the inner beast which dwells in everyone; he can become a werewolf that gains in strength and power over time.

- Can shapechange into werewolf form which becomes progressively stronger with time.
    Level  1: +1 to STR/DEX/CON, +2 to AC, claws deal 1d6+1 damage and strike as +1 weapons
    Level  7: +2 to STR/DEX/CON, +3 to AC, claws deal 1d8+2 damage and strike as +2 weapons
    Level 13: +3 to STR/DEX/CON, +4 to AC, immunity to non-magical weapons, regenerate 1 HP/round, +20% magic resistance, claws deal 1d10+3 damage and strike as +3 weapons
    Level 19: +4 to STR/DEX/CON, +5 to AC, immunity to non-magical and +1 weapons, regenerate 3 HP/round, +40% magic resistance, claws deal 1d12+4 damage and strike as +4 weapons
    Level 25: +5 to STR/DEX/CON, +6 to AC, immunity to non-magical and +2 weapons, regenerate 6 HP/round, +60% magic resistance, claws deal 1d20+5 damage and strike as +5 weapons

- May not wear armour, gauntlets or bracers
- May not use missile weapons
- May not multi- or dualclass
- May only become proficient (one star) in the use of any weapon

As always, it's tested and seems to work on my install, but any feedback and bug reports would be welcome.

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