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  • Submitted: Sep 08 2009 01:25 PM
  • Last Updated: Sep 14 2009 05:16 AM
  • File Size: 654.19K
  • Views: 8455
  • Downloads: 20842

Previous Versions

  • 08 Sep 2009 Download Holy Avenger Kit + Extra

Download Holy Avenger Kit + Extra

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This little mod comes with a WEIDU installer and 4 components:


Holy Avengers are the most feared and rare warriors within the paladin order. They have usually endured much hardship in the past from the sevants of darkeness and harbour specialy strong hate and taste for vengance. They dedicate their whole life to the sole purpose of destroying evil wherever it appears, usually to the level that can be considered fanatical. Their training & dediaction to that task has made them expert swordsman, yet they fight very offensivly, often ignoring their defenses. They care only devine justice and serving good,even when it conflicts law and order.
Wielding a sword of holy fire, radiating an aura of power and retribution the mere sight of an Holy Avenegr is enough for most evil monsters to flee in terror.
Coupled with a powerful artifact of light, like it namesake the Holy Avenger sword, he is the ultimate weapon of Good and a relentless and dangerous enemy of Darkness.

- can reach mastery in various swords
- gets a +2 bonus to hit and +3 bonus to damage against Evil enemies
- at levels 1, 5, 10 and 14 gets the Cloak of Fear ability
- at lvl 5 can summon a Holy Blade
- at lvl 10 gets Heavens Wrath ability (a very mighty fist of heavens)
- at lvl 15 gets Devine Vengance ability (adds elemental damage to the avengers attacks)

- gets a permanent -2 penalty to AC
- gets a -1 to hit penalty against neutral opponents and -4 penalty against good opponents
- can only become proficient with ranged weapons


4 elven swords, 1 two--handed sword, 2 plate mail, 1 wizzards robe and 1 ring.


Small modification to a few NPCs - elven warriors in Suendesalar and end of Underdark.
Their stats and equipment have been improved. It was pitifull to watch them fighitng against drow (with +3 to +5 stuff) with regular weapons and armor.


My early attempt at an NPC that sadly didn't go anywhere. You'll find a paladin waiting near the Black Dragon in the elven city. He doesn't talk much, but is VERY well equipped and will fight the dragon with you.

Readme included

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