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- Submitted: Mar 29 2009 02:28 PM
- Last Updated: Mar 29 2009 02:31 PM
- File Size: 299.27K
- Views: 4554
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Download The One Ring

The One Ring is a very powerful item with some very powerful effects when the Bearer reaches a high level. I will detail what it is supposed to do:
- Look like a normal gold ring
- Have a very long history
- +2AC,+3 Save vs Death
- Invisibility
- Immune to charm
- Summon Devil Shade or Demonic shade twice a day
- Cast Oracle once a day
- Initiate dialogue at intervals starting at level 22 and ending at level 36.
- At level 36, gives Great Ringsword to player.
- Protection from Normal Weapons
Great Ringsword
- +6 enchanted, +5 THAC0, +5 damage
- Scimitar (all black, glow dark red)
- Grants 4 prof. in Scimitar
- 30% chance drain 2 levels, heal wielder 15 hp.
- Custom BAM (xswd004)
- Can make v. powerful (Lord of the Rings) once a day for 60 seconds.
- Sets alignment to Chaotic Evil
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