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  • Submitted: Mar 21 2009 07:33 AM
  • Last Updated: Nov 16 2012 08:34 AM
  • File Size: 1MB
  • Views: 12321
  • Downloads: 83205

Previous Versions

  • 29 May 2011 Download Relationship V2.81
  • 29 May 2011 Download Relationship V2.81
  • 26 Dec 2010 Download Relationship V2.8
  • 25 Dec 2010 Download Relationship V2.8
  • 25 May 2010 Download Relationship V1.5
  • 25 May 2010 Download Relationship V1.5
  • 25 May 2010 Download Relationship V1.5
  • 28 May 2009 Download Relationship V1.5
  • 26 May 2009 Download Relationship V1.5
  • 25 Apr 2009 Download Relationship V1.5
  • 21 Mar 2009 Download Relationship V1.5
  • 21 Mar 2009 Download Relationship V1.5
  • 21 Mar 2009 Download Relationship V1.5

Download Relationship V2.82

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Relationship V2.82

I have to thank Nameless One who translated this mod into English.

Merry Christmas!



V2.82 Update:
-Changed the rules of original teammates'basic relation point, So they would got one at lest 60.


This mod will let player to give a "SPECIFICS" script to anyone by casting the spell (a core skill) "Detect Relationship" in the game. The script will set the initial Relation Point between an NPC and the protagonist. The Relation Point depends on many things, such as your race, alignment, charisma, and the companion's personal mission, and chapters, core skills and some special items.

When an NPC's Relation Point is high enough, you can ask him/her/it to join your party by casting the spell (a core skill) "Invite to Party" on him/her/it, even if it's not an original NPC. Your companion who was given the core script won't leave the party because of your reputation, if his/her/its Relation Point is very high. Of course, if the Relation Point is really poor, the companion will leave your party.

The NPC will behave differently according to the Relation Point, even if the NPC is not in your party. When seeing you are in battle, the NPC may fight for you, heal you or give you other help, or does nothing or even attack you. Further more, you can use the core skill "Call for Help" to ask an NPC to assist you for 8 hours in game, which will cost 1 RP (Relation Point).

Many enemies in original BG would ask for help from allies. Now, if the RP between an enemy's ally and you is high enough, the "ally" will not help enemies to attack you.

The mod also upgrades the behaviors of dragons, animals, beholders and so on.

I.Compatibility and Installation

BG2FIXPACK MOD is required. If you decide to install SCSII MOD and Ascension MOD, you'd better install my last component after those.

0.NM-Relationship: Relationship System V2.8 Core Plug-In: this component will copy some core scripts and other files to your game.
1.NM-Relationship: Relationship System Other Core Contents: include other core files such as the core skills.
2.NM-Relationship: Relationship System New Contents (Animal Classes): ...
3.NM-Relationship: Relationship System Generic Dialogues of Companions: ...
4.NM-Relationship: Expansion of original game scripts: include some scripts to guarantee the compatibility.
5.NM-Relationship: Fix the "GENERAL" of some ghost like NPCs: just modify the rings of a few original ghosts to guarantee the compatibility.
6.NM-Relationship: Modify the original spells and items of shape shifing: after you have used the companion's script "M_RRM" in the game, your race will change when using the original shape shifing spells.
7.NM-Relationship: Hotkey mode of relationship system core skills: give a hotkey "E", you can cancel the hotkey by set the local variable "m_rhke" to 1 in your game.
  NM-Relationship: Relationship System Scripts of Former Companions
8.NM-Relationship: Relationship System Scripts of Former Companions (Compatible with SCSI&II): install this component when you installed SCS MOD before.
9.NM-Relationship: Relationship System Scripts of Former Companions (Compatible with Ascension): install this component when you didn't install SCS MOD before.

II.Other Simple Explanation.

1. The mod's effects will be activated after you cast your core skills to NPCs.
2. Core skills:
A. ~Call for Help~ this skill will cost 1 RP to ask an NPC to assist you even if the NPC isn't in your party and there is no fighting.
B. ~Detect Relationship~ give the core script to an NPC and display RP value.
C. ~Detect Relationship (Single)~
D. ~Detect Relationship (Area)~
E. ~Invite to Party~ ask someone to join your party when his Relation Point is higher than 69
F. ~Show Friendship~ bribe some items to increase the Relation Point.
G. ~Show Hostility~ to decrease the Relation Point.

3. Animal companion: you can change any animal companion's Class to fighter or thief. After you have complete the original quest of the Circus in SOA, you can ask Fearghus the tamer to help you about it.
4. Beholder Mage: Beholder companions can obtain a special fight script by dialogue, if the Beholder companion can cast spells before joining your party, its class will be changed to Sorcerer, and will obtain the skill "Scribe Scroll" which can let your Beholder learn spells from scrolls.
5. Dragon companion:Dragon companions can obtain a special fight script by dialogue too, and the class will be changed to Sorcerer. They also get the skill to let them change their shapes to human.
6. Lich companion:...
7. The script "M_RRM" will mark your companion's original race, which need only be used once.
Be careful! The script "M_RRR" will change your present race when you press hotkey "K", which's just a tool.
8. When you talk to a mod added npc, the first dialogue choice will destroy the original undroppable items.
9. About the core skill "Show Friendship": When the npc's Relation Point is lower than 70, the script will check your inventroy and your protagonist, which will bribe something to increase that npc's Relation Point.
The Humanic NPC needs rings or necklaces
The Animal NPC needs "Love and Time"
The Undead NPC needs Experience
The Giant NPC needs Gems
The Monster NPC needs Gold


Some explanation about Relation Point

Relation Point <= 0 .  display (Completely Hostile): You can't see it generally, because at this time he/she/it has already been attacking you.
Relation Point 1-15 .  display (Hostile Anytime): The NPC whose Relation Point is at this level would attack you when he/she/it saw you are in battle.
Relation Point 16-30 . display (Relation Crisis):
Relation Point 31-49 . display (Unfriendly Neutral):
Relation Point 50 . display (Absolute Neutral):Attention! If your companion's Relation Point is lower than 50, he/she/it will leave your party automatically.
Relation Point 51-69 . display (Friendly Neutral):The NPC whose Relation Point is at this level wouldn't attack you when his/her/its allies asked for help.
Relation Point 70-84 . display (Relation Close):The NPC whose Relation Point is higher than 69 will help you.
Relation Point 85-99 . display (Special Friend):Most of the NPC whose Relation Point is higher than 84 won't leave your party.
Relation Point >= 100 .display (Bosom Friend):Secret.

Some explanation about skill "Show Friendship"

Using this skill will set the core script to the NPC first, then according to the NPC's Level and "General", the corresponding thing will be demanded from Protagonist...If successful the Relation Point will be increased.

1.Humanoid NPCs(Including most of your companions, Gnolls, Kobolds and so on)  :
Level 1-4 needs:Silver ring, Silver necklace, Greenstone ring, Blue stone necklace
Increases Relation Point separately.

Level 5-9 needs:The gold ring, Argues the Niemann Nepal necklace, The agate ring, The rainbow black Yao stone necklace
Increases Relation Point separately.

Level 10-19 needs:Bloodstone ring, Tiger grain valuable spiral necklace, Jadeite ring, Gold necklace
Increases Relation Point separately.

Level 20-24 needs:Angel stone ring, Ji Ousi gem mounting necklace, Sbstention of the flame dance, Bloodstone charm amulet
Increases Relation Point separately.

Level <=25 needs:The fire opal ring, The pearl necklace, The ruby ring, Pulls Switzerland the tear necklace
Increases Relation Point separately.

2.Animal NPC(Any animals):
You can use the skill without costing any Item but Patience.

Level 1-4 :
Increases 2 Relation Point. You can use this skill to each animal every one TURN.

Level 5-9 :
Increases 2 Relation Point. You can use this skill to each animal every two TURNs.

Level 10-19 :
Increases 2 Relation Point. You can use this skill to each animal every three TURNs.

Level 20-24 :
Increases 2 Relation Point. You can use this skill to each animal every four TURNs.

Level <=25 :
Increases 2 Relation Point. You can use this skill to each animal every five TURNs.

3.Undead NPC(Including Ghost, Corpse, vampire, even Lich and so on):
Your experience is the best gift to them!

Level 1-4 :
Absorbs 1 experience level...100 experiences...Increases 3 points Relation Point.

Level 5-9 :
Absorbs 2 experience levels...500 experiences...Increases 3 points Relation Point.

Level 10-19 :
Absorbs 3 experience levels...1000 experiences...Increases 3 points Relation Point.

Level 20-24 :
Absorbs 4 experience levels...5000 experiences...Increases 3 points Relation Point.

Level <=25 :
Absorbs 5 experience levels...10000 experiences...Increases 3 points Relation Point.

4.Giant NPC(Including Giant, Orge, Golem and so on.):
The Gem is a good gift.

Level 1-4 needs:Bloodstone, Belonesite, Inexpensive stone, Chrysoberyl
Increases Relation Point separately.

Level 5-9 needs:Water color star gem, Mountain gem, Star type diopside, Angle corallite
Increases Relation Point separately.

Level 10-19 needs:Aquamarine, Pomegranate sub-stone, Pearl, Lintel
Increases Relation Point separately.

Level 20-24 needs:Black opal, Water color opal, Month grain stone, Diamond
Increases Relation Point separately.

Level <=25 needs:Emerald, Star type sapphire, Tear of the king, Stone of the thieves
Increases Relation Point separately.

5.Monster NPC(Dragons, Beholders and so on):
Gold is good enough.

Level 1-4 :
Every 100 gold coins increase 3 points Relation Point.

Level 5-9 :
Every 500 gold coins increase 3 points Relation Point.

Level 10-19 :
Every 1000 gold coins increase 3 points Relation Point.

Level 20-24 :
Every 5000 gold coins increase 3 points Relation Point.

Level <=25 :
Every 10000 gold coins increase 3 points Relation Point.

What's New in Version V2.82 (See full changelog)

  • Changed the rules of original teammates'basic relation point, So they would got one at lest 60.

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