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- Submitted: Oct 05 2008 05:28 AM
- Last Updated: Jan 03 2012 02:22 PM
- File Size: 12.5MB
- Views: 427159
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Previous Versions
02 Jan 2012
GhostDog's PS:T UI mod v2.2
30 Nov 2011
GhostDog's PS:T UI mod v2.2
31 Jan 2010
GhostDog's PS:T UI mod v2.1
18 Jan 2010
GhostDog's PS:T UI mod v2.1
15 Jan 2010
GhostDog's PS:T UI mod v2.1
15 Jan 2010
GhostDog's PS:T UI mod v2.1
28 Dec 2009
GhostDog's PS:T UI mod v2.0
19 Aug 2009
GhostDog's PS:T UI mod v1.21
24 May 2009
GhostDog's PS:T UI mod v1.2
24 May 2009
GhostDog's PS:T UI mod v1.0
20 May 2009
GhostDog's PS:T UI mod v1.0
30 Nov 2008
GhostDog's PS:T UI mod v1.0
Download GhostDog's PS:T UI mod v2.2

GhostDog's PS:T UI mod v2.2
- Added support for the Chinese version of PST.
- All movies are now stretching to full-screen.
By Ghostdog
With the help of Taplonaplo.
This mod is packed with WeiDU
This is a User Interface modification which in combination with Bigg's Widescreen Mod makes any resolution (except those below 800x480) viable for Planescape:Torment by changing a number of things in the user interface.
The Widescreen mod works well in Planescape: Torment, but unfortunately when you change the resolution, almost all of the UI elements and game effects are shown in the top-left area since they were set for the original 640x480 game resolution.
What this mod does is center all of these elements and enhance the UI with original game art to fit nicely with any resolution. Additionally, bigger fonts are available for those with relatively small monitors.
Check the Mod Forum for more information and screenshots.
- Added support for the Chinese version of PST.
- All movies are now stretching to full-screen.
By Ghostdog
With the help of Taplonaplo.
This mod is packed with WeiDU
This is a User Interface modification which in combination with Bigg's Widescreen Mod makes any resolution (except those below 800x480) viable for Planescape:Torment by changing a number of things in the user interface.
The Widescreen mod works well in Planescape: Torment, but unfortunately when you change the resolution, almost all of the UI elements and game effects are shown in the top-left area since they were set for the original 640x480 game resolution.
What this mod does is center all of these elements and enhance the UI with original game art to fit nicely with any resolution. Additionally, bigger fonts are available for those with relatively small monitors.
Check the Mod Forum for more information and screenshots.
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