SUPPORT TOPIC File Information
- Submitted: Mar 23 2008 10:48 AM
- Last Updated: Jun 07 2009 12:25 PM
- File Size: 284.14K
- Views: 5032
- Downloads: 2338
Previous Versions
Download D's Enemy Upgrade

Version 1.1 Has been uploaded. New this version are:
The "Choose Yourself" option by Icendoan and two bug fixes.
The first that you could end up with totally immune enemies.
The second that the charbase file that controls newly created characters was getting a res boost.
If you are using "Choose Yourself" READ THE SECTION BELOW ABOUT IT OR YOU *WILL* DO SOMETHING WRONG! Especially the *THIS IS IMPORTANT* section. Duh.
Tired of wussy little enemies that die in one blow? That can't hit the broadside of a barn?
That are just so darn pathetic that they might as well roll over and die?
Do you want strong, smart, challenging enemies? Then go find another mod. If you want enemies that are just as stupid as they used to be, but at least last a little longer, then here you go.
There are four install modes: (I'd recommend against installing the third option unless you are REALLY masochistic)
500 - 2000 EXP bonus
0 - 2 Bonus to saves
1 - 5 AC Bonus
1 - 5 THACO Bonus
1.3x - 2x HP Bonus
Resistances randomly raised by 1 - 10.
100 - 1000 EXP bonus
4 - 4 Bonus to saves
3 - 8 AC Bonus
3 - 8 THACO Bonus
2.3x - 3x HP Bonus
Resistances randomly raised by 25 - 40.
Do you LIKE sticking sharp sticks in your eye?:
0 - 500 EXP bonus
4 - 8 Bonus to saves
5 - 10 AC Bonus
5 - 10 THACO Bonus
3x - 5x HP Bonus
Resistances randomly raised by 30 - 90.
Choose Yourself (by Icendoan)
This allows you to input what values you want. First you input the bottom of the range you want the stat to be modified by and then the top of the range.
For instance, if you want enemies AC to be modified by somewhere between 4 and 6, you would enter 4 at the "lower limit" prompt, and 6 the "upper limit" prompt.
There are a couple of things that are important about this however. The first is that all values MUST BE INTEGERS! Weidu can't handle decimals, and as such, if you input anything but an integer, the install will fail. Oh, and don't use negative numbers, I have no idea what will happen.
The HP input is a little screwy. Due to the fact that weidu can't handle decimals, I had to make an ugly workaround.
As such, take the amount you want HP multiplied by and then multiply that by 10.
For instance, if you want all enemies HP's to increase by between 1.3 (a 30% boost) and 2 (a 100% boost) you would enter 13 and 20.
I hope that makes sense.......
Also, as a last note, the values that you input are recorded in the log.txt file in the enemy upgrade folder. In case you care.
This mod doesn't really address the more pressing issue that most of the BlackIsle AI scripts in the game are moronic.
But since that would be a giant pain to fix, this works.
The "Choose Yourself" option by Icendoan and two bug fixes.
The first that you could end up with totally immune enemies.
The second that the charbase file that controls newly created characters was getting a res boost.
If you are using "Choose Yourself" READ THE SECTION BELOW ABOUT IT OR YOU *WILL* DO SOMETHING WRONG! Especially the *THIS IS IMPORTANT* section. Duh.
Tired of wussy little enemies that die in one blow? That can't hit the broadside of a barn?
That are just so darn pathetic that they might as well roll over and die?
Do you want strong, smart, challenging enemies? Then go find another mod. If you want enemies that are just as stupid as they used to be, but at least last a little longer, then here you go.
There are four install modes: (I'd recommend against installing the third option unless you are REALLY masochistic)
500 - 2000 EXP bonus
0 - 2 Bonus to saves
1 - 5 AC Bonus
1 - 5 THACO Bonus
1.3x - 2x HP Bonus
Resistances randomly raised by 1 - 10.
100 - 1000 EXP bonus
4 - 4 Bonus to saves
3 - 8 AC Bonus
3 - 8 THACO Bonus
2.3x - 3x HP Bonus
Resistances randomly raised by 25 - 40.
Do you LIKE sticking sharp sticks in your eye?:
0 - 500 EXP bonus
4 - 8 Bonus to saves
5 - 10 AC Bonus
5 - 10 THACO Bonus
3x - 5x HP Bonus
Resistances randomly raised by 30 - 90.
Choose Yourself (by Icendoan)
This allows you to input what values you want. First you input the bottom of the range you want the stat to be modified by and then the top of the range.
For instance, if you want enemies AC to be modified by somewhere between 4 and 6, you would enter 4 at the "lower limit" prompt, and 6 the "upper limit" prompt.
There are a couple of things that are important about this however. The first is that all values MUST BE INTEGERS! Weidu can't handle decimals, and as such, if you input anything but an integer, the install will fail. Oh, and don't use negative numbers, I have no idea what will happen.
The HP input is a little screwy. Due to the fact that weidu can't handle decimals, I had to make an ugly workaround.
As such, take the amount you want HP multiplied by and then multiply that by 10.
For instance, if you want all enemies HP's to increase by between 1.3 (a 30% boost) and 2 (a 100% boost) you would enter 13 and 20.
I hope that makes sense.......
Also, as a last note, the values that you input are recorded in the log.txt file in the enemy upgrade folder. In case you care.
This mod doesn't really address the more pressing issue that most of the BlackIsle AI scripts in the game are moronic.
But since that would be a giant pain to fix, this works.
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