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  • Submitted: May 07 2007 05:15 AM
  • Last Updated: May 07 2007 06:47 PM
  • File Size: 8.03MB
  • Views: 14052
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  • Forum: forums.spellholdstudios.net/index.php?showforum=437

Download Better Redguards

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Better Redguards v2.0

Version: 2.0:
---Also incorporates all the changes of "TNR - The Redguards"

Date: 5/7/2007
Category: Models and Textures
Author(s): Luchaire

Make better looking dark-skinned redguards! No more pasty faces! No more sickly greenish skin!

By default, Bethesda's Redguards use the same textures as Imperials. As a result, attempting to darken their skin tone tends to result in various sorts of weirdness, from pasty/chalky faces, to greenish/yellow skin tints, to outright fugliness.

This mod corrects this issue by giving Redguards their own textures, and altering the base FaceGen settings accordingly. You should find it much easier to make good looking dark skinned redguards. In general, the darker you want to go, the better this mod works. If you want a very light redguard, you will probably have more luck using the default Bethesda flavor.

1. Extract the files to a temporary location.
2. Examine the folder structure and make corrections where necessary.
3. Copy files to (install folder)\Oblivion\Data\
4. Start Oblivion Launcher, click 'Data Files', place a checkmark beside the Better Redguard.esp file.

If you have previously installed v1.0 of this mod:
1. Delete the original "Better Redguard.esp" file.
2. Install this mod in its entirety as above, or you will be missing crucial NPC face texture files.


--Extra files (Body Mod Compatibility)--

Included are extra body textures for Robert's Male Body, the BAB Female Body replacer, and Exnem's Female Eye Candy body replacer. To use any of these textures, open the "Extras" folder, find the folder for the body mod you use, and copy the included .dds file to:

BAB's and Exnem's Female Bodies:

Roberts Male Body:

No other steps are required to make these body mods work.

There is no compatibility at this time for Corwyn's, Growlf's, or Eshme's bodies.

1. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the Better Redguard.esp file.
2. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod:
File: Better Redguard.esp
Folder: Oblivion\Data\Textures\characters\redguard\


This mod is incompatible with any other mod that alters Redguards in any way.

"TNR-THE REDGUARDS" is merged with this plugin. If you use that mod, you can disable or delete the "TNR - The Redguards.esp" file. If both mods are enabled, unpleasantness might result.

Special: Beautiful People
If you use Beautiful People, a compatibility patch should be available on the BP Tessource page which will give you all the benefits of BP and the textures of Better Redguards. Many thanks to Midnight Voyager for this!

Special: Other face texture replacers (IFT, NF, Enayla's, etc)
These will all still work fine for all races except Redguards. For Redguards, you will instead see the texture included in this mod (which was based on Natural Faces v95).

IMPORTANT! READ: Known Issues or Bugs

When making a new character, when you select "Redguard" in the "Race" menu, the game will load up the default Imperial textures first, applying them to the modified FaceGen settings in this mod. The result is much weirdness. This is purely a load issue, though. What you have to do is click the "Face" button, then the "Reset" button. That forces the game to load the proper textures. From there, you can create your new redguard character normally without fear of having texture issues.

Existing characters:
Existing redguard characters may become quite ugly or weird looking when this mod is applied. This is because you will have your original skin tone slider values applied to the new FaceGen values of this mod. The only fix here is to re-do your character's face. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Load your save.
2. Open the command console with the tilde key (~)
3. Type "showracemenu" (without the quote marks)
4. The FaceGen window will open - do NOT close the command console at any point or your skills will be broken!
5. Adjust your character's face to suit.
6. When you are satisfied, do NOT click "Done" - instead, hit "ESC" and save to a NEW slot. If it won't let you save, it means you closed the command console. Exit and try again.
7. Immediately load your new save. Check to make sure your skills haven't reset and that your face is good. If so, you're all set. :)

NPC issues from v1.0 are fixed in v2.0

2.0, 2007/05/07 - Second release
Corrected problem with NPCs having mismatched bodies/faces and sometimes sickly green faces
Combined mod with Veritas Secreto's "TNR - THE REDGUARDS" NPC face makeover

1.0, 2007/05/04 - Initial release.

You can find me on the official Elder Scrolls forums as 'Luchaire'
You can send me an email here: luchaire@gmail.com

Huge thanks to Wrye for helping me bash together two seemingly incompatible works to create this mod.
Thanks to Veritas Secreto for use of the "TNR-The Redguards" mod as a baseline for correcting redguard NPCs.
Thanks to Midnight Voyager for the BP compatibility, without which a release would have been awkward.
Thanks to the BAB team, Robert, and Exnem for their various body mods and the original body textures upon which the included compability textures for those mods were based.
Thanks to lhammonds for the Readme Generator this file was based on.

Tools Used
Photoshop - http://www.adobe.com...ucts/photoshop/
TES Construction Set - http://www.theelders...s_utilities.htm
Readme Generator - http://lhammonds.gam..._generator1.asp
Wyre Bash - http://wrye.ufrealms.../Wrye Bash.html

You can do whatever you want with this mod but all I ask in return is that
you give me credit if you distribute any part of this mod. I would also like
to know what mods are including my work.

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