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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: May 06 2007 10:19 AM
  • Last Updated: May 06 2007 11:52 AM
  • File Size: 1.29MB
  • Views: 5713
  • Downloads: 2908
  • Forum: forums.spellholdstudios.net/index.php?showforum=445

Download Charon's Call Battleaxe

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Readthis For Charon's Call by Nicoroshi

Reason for this mod:

I had created this axe mesh at the request of my friend Jackmix69. It was textured for him by another friend of ours, and slated to be added to a mod project we were all working on at the time.
Unfortunately this big mod project never came to be.
I was reading the ESF, and saw a request thread for more axes.
I remembered this mesh I had sitting on my HDD, and posted a couple of shots of it.
Members seemed interested in it so I decided to re-UVmap,texture, and create an icon for it so it could be released for all to enjoy.
(previous texture's author is currently unreachable to ask permission from).

What it Does:

This mod adds one Charon's Call Axe to the death chamber of the Necromancer's hideout of Elenglynn. The ruin is located between Skingrad, and Chorrol.
It's floating just above the floor in the center of the chamber next to the pedestal with the Aylied coffer on it.


Unpack the .rar, and drop the 'Data' folder into your Oblivion Directory (where the Oblivion.exe is located).
Remember to place a checkmark next to 'Charon's Call.esp' in the data directory at game start.


Remove the checkmark from the 'Charon's Call.esp' at Oblivion start-up (Data Directory).

If you'd also like to remove the files they are under meshes, and textures in folders marked 'Charon's Call'
(A system search for 'Charon's Call' should locate the files for you (4 files: 1 .nif,3 .dds))

Known Issues:

None that I know of as this mod contains unique meshes,textures, and icon not found in the vanilla Oblivion or any mod as of the date of this readthis.


In the .rar you'll find a folder marked 'Hints' which contains pictures of the location of Elenglynn, and also for the Axe's location within the ruin.
Use this (or not) to help find the axe.


To the members of ESF for helping me make this mod better with their candid feedback on the texture, and size.
Also a big thank you to Green My Eyes, and KatZero for comming up with the name for my creation.

Version History:

1.0 Inital release
1.1 Repaired the texture path


This model,texture, and icon are O.K. to use as a modders resource so long as credit is given for my original work.
This mod is also O.K. to re-upload in it's original form to other download sites without contacting me.

I hope you enjoy it.

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