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  • Submitted: May 06 2007 10:06 AM
  • Last Updated: May 06 2007 11:51 AM
  • File Size: 1.35MB
  • Views: 7696
  • Downloads: 4365
  • Forum: forums.spellholdstudios.net/index.php?showforum=445

Previous Versions

  • 06 May 2007 Download Blakeley's Lachrymal Bow

Download Blakeley's Lachrymal Bow

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Readthis for Blakeley's Lachrymal Bow by Nicoroshi

Reason for this mod:

I love meshing new bows for Oblivion. I created this mesh based on a bow found in Lineage 2. Although I've never played the game I really like the shape of some of the weapons found in it.

It was originally created for a mod project I was working on that unfortunately never was ment to be. I couldn't let this work just die without being released for all to enjoy as that was the original reason it was created.

So although my texturing skills aren't the best (still learning) I modeled,textured,made an icon for, and put it in game.

I created a thread at ESF asking for help naming the bow, and for ideas for placement within the game. I thank all who contributed to that thread. This mod is for you.

What it does:

This mod adds one Blakeley's Lachrymal Bow to the game. This place is part of the Forlorn Watchman's quest from within game so I won't go into details on it's location if you'd like to find it on your own.

Suggest going to Bravil and listening to rumors to find this bow.


Unpack the .rar and put the folder marked "Data" in your Oblivion directory (where the Oblivion.exe is located)

Be sure and put a checkmark next to "Blakeley's Lachrymal Bow.esp" in the Data directory at Oblivion start-up.


Remove the checkmark from the "Blakeley's Lachrymal Bow.esp" in the data directory at Oblivion start-up.

If you'd also like to remove the files (3 folders/ 4 files) they are all in folders marked "Blakeley's Lachrymal Bow" , and found under meshes,textures, and icons.

Known Issues:

Although this bow is left in a location that is tied to a quest from the vanilla Oblivion it has been tested, and does not interfere with the quest.

It also doesn't interfere with any mod that I know of as it's a unique mesh\texture\icon.


Within the folder you unpacked is a folder marked "Hints". This gives the location of the bow within game


Huge thanks to Syko Fox from ESF for the name of the bow, and also to CBCRonin from ESF for the idea of placement within the game.

Thanks also to Windy from ESF for figuring the easy way to map the bowmorph.


This mod may be re-uploaded in it's original form without contacting me. This mod may also be used as a modder resource in whole or in part so long as credit is given for my original work.

Author's note:

This might be my last mod for Oblivion. It was a pleasure to create these things, and to see them being enjoyed by players who like Oblivion.

I will be focusing my efforts on another front. Hopefully it'll be something that many of you might enjoy as well.

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