SUPPORT TOPIC File Information
- Submitted: Nov 02 2022 08:56 PM
- Last Updated: Oct 17 2024 03:25 PM
- File Size: Unknown
- Views: 2696
- Downloads: 1040
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Download AC's Miscellaneous Tweaks

A motley collection of tweaks for all Baldur's Gate games, classic or enhanced.
This mod was born as a disparate assortment of tweaks and changes I wanted for my BGT playthrough, meant to be quick and dirty, with no documentation whatsoever and no best practices like DESIGNATED, LABEL, and the like. In time it grew in size and scope and I started adopting best practices "just in case", adding more and more stuff as I went along with my playthrough and realized I wanted it—which leads us to the here and now, where I decided to release the mod in case somebody else out there is interested in the same things as I.
Readme | Forum | GitHub
- Miscellaneous Tweaks
- Use BG/SoD portraits in SoA/ToB
- Use original portraits for EE NPCs
- Use EE colors for joinable NPCs
- EE-style descriptions
- BG-style archery for SoA/ToB
- Restore BG/BG2 inventory icons and colors
- Restore BG Flaming Fist & Amnian Soldier Appearance
- BG1 animations dual-wielding fix
- Dragon breath fix
- Random stuff no one wants
- EE soundsets
- EE portraits
- EE slings
- Revenant Animation Fix
- SoD sound sets for BG:EE
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