File Information
- Submitted: Apr 11 2020 02:39 PM
- Last Updated: Apr 13 2020 04:23 AM
- File Size: 4.88MB
- Views: 3651
- Downloads: 1096
Previous Versions
Download Phaere NPC Portraits for BG2 v5.0

This mod installs a collection of portraits by Phaere designed to replace those currently found in Baldur's Gate II. Rastor modified them to work with the Infinity Engine and packaged them up with Phaere's blessing.
Note: This mod was first released at As this site is no more available since many years, it was time to save it from disappearance. It is now hosted at Spellhold Studios with Rastor authorization.
SHS official GitHub alternate download center
What's New in Version v5.0 (See full changelog)
- Added phaere_ports.ini metadata file to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
- Replaced `AUTHOR` keyword with `SUPPORT`.
- Added `VERSION` flag.
- Replaced `AT_INTERACTIVE_EXIT` deprecated command with `README`.
- Added missing `REQUIRE_PREDICATE` process to avoid installing the mod in inaccurate games.
- Added components `DESIGNATED` numbers and "phaere_ports_%npc-names%" `LABELS`.
- Modernized and speed up installation process:
- - Externalized tp2 code into gw_install_portraits.tpa library for more comfortable readability and maintenance.
- - Renamed portraits sub-folders and script names to fit the new installation function.
- - Due to its portrait size (38 x 60), "Bodhi Portrait component" can now only be installed in original games.
- Added native BG2:EE and EET compatibilities.
- Replaced old-school `DECOMPILE_BCS_TO_BAF` plus `COMPILE_BAF_TO_BCS` process with more accurate `DECOMPILE_AND_PATCH` command.
- Added "Continue()" to the script blocks that are patched via `EXTEND_TOP`.
- Fixed a bug with .2da files patching: viconnd1 and viconnd2 (was replacing "NVICONIL" portrait instead of "NVICONL").
- Fixed two bugs with .bcs files patching: aerie (was applying "r#aeport" spell instead of "r#pparie"), was patching sarev25a file instead of sarev25.
- Resized portraits for original games to their right sizes (medium = 110 x 170 - small = 30 x 60).
- Cleaned up old ids entries patch replaced with more recent BG2 Fixpack one.
- Added French translation (Gwendolyne).
- Wrote a new phaere_ports-readme-english.html readme file and moved it into new "readme" folder.
- Removed useless backup folder.
- Reorganized mod architecture tree: created "lang" and "portraits" folders to sort files according to their types.
- Lower cased files.
- Included Linux and Mac Os X versions in the same package (thanks AL|EN's Infinity Auto Packager tool!).
- Updated WeiDU installer to v246.
- Uploaded mod to official Spellhold Studios GitHub mirror account.
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