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  • Submitted: Aug 09 2018 08:56 AM
  • Last Updated: Nov 19 2024 11:02 AM
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  • 19 Nov 2024 Download Bardic Wonders for BG:EE, BG2:EE and IWD:EE
  • 18 Nov 2024 Download Bardic Wonders for BG:EE, BG2:EE and IWD:EE
  • 09 Jul 2020 Download Bardic Wonders for BG:EE, BG2:EE and IWD:EE
  • 09 Aug 2018 Download Bardic Wonders for BG:EE, BG2:EE and IWD:EE v1.3

Download Bardic Wonders for BG:EE, BG2:EE and IWD:EE

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kit items

This mod adds new bard kits with specialized bard songs to the game, as well as a new merchant to Baldur's Gate II who carries new bardic items.







Component 1: New Kits


Abettor of Mask

ABETTOR OF MASK: Contrary to popular belief, the trickster god Mask's favor extends past those who walk the path of stealthy arts and trickery. The Abettor is a faithful Maskarran, a deceptive agent of the Lord of Shadows whose gall is tested through tasks that typical bards would balk at due to their dark natures.


– Receives a +5% bonus to Pick Pockets per level.
– Gains a backstab multiplier of x2.
– The Abettor's song, "One's Loss, Another's Gain", provides thieving and stealth bonuses to the party. The song grants +15% to all thieving skills, increasing by 5% per rank and grants the following effects:
3rd level: Party members passively detect traps
6th level: Party members gain Blur (+3 to AC, +1 to all saving throws)
9th level: The singer has a 50% chance to gain Improved Invisibility for one round
12th level: Party members gain Non-Detection
15th level: The singer has a 100% chance to gain Improved Invisibility for one round

– From 10th level onwards, the Abettor passively has a 1% chance upon taking damage to turn invisible for one turn.
– From 12th level onwards, gains one use of Shadowstep.

SHADOWSTEP: The character steps into the Shadow Plane and may move for 7 seconds while others are frozen in time. The caster cannot attack or cast spells while in the Shadow Plane.

– May learn the Assassination high level ability upon reaching 24th level.

– Must be of True Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Neutral Evil or Chaotic Evil alignment.
– Only has one-half normal Lore value.
– May not learn the Magic Flute high level ability.
– May only be proficient in weapons usable by thieves.


DANCER: The dancer is an entertainer, an acrobat and a surprisingly dangerous combatant when drawn to battle, emphasizing speed and agility to confuse and unnerve his opponents while inspiring allies to fight with increased confidence.

– May place 3 slots in Two-Weapon Style.
– +2 bonus to Armor Class at 1st level. Gains an additional +1 bonus to Armor Class every 10 levels.
– +1 bonus to Armor Class vs. missile weapons at 1st level. Gains an additional +1 bonus to Armor Class every 5 levels.
– +2 to movement rate.
– The Dancer's Bard Song, "Dance of the Floating Lily", immobilizes the dancer while inspiring allies, providing immunity to fear and morale failure and grants the following bonuses:
1st level: +2 to hit and damage, +1/2 attack per round, dancer gains +2 to Armor Class
6th level: +3 to hit and damage, +1/2 attack per round, dancer gains +4 to Armor Class
11th level: +4 to hit and damage, +1/2 attack per round, dancer gains +6 to Armor Class
16th level: +5 to hit and damage, +1 attack per round, dancer gains +8 to Armor Class
21st level: +6 to hit and damage, +1 attack per round, dancer gains +10 to Armor Class

– From 4th level onwards, may use the Adrenaline Rush ability once per day.

ADRENALINE RUSH: The dancer temporarily gains a huge boost in power for three rounds, gaining +1 to hit and damage for every four levels. Attacks per round are also doubled. However, their Armor Class is reduced by four points and they are unable to use their Bard Song, and after the duration ends, they become winded, suffering a huge penalty to fatigue and inability to use their Bard Song for one turn. From 18th level onwards, the dancer is no longer fatigued after the effect expires.

– May not wear any armor.
– May memorize one less spell per level.
– Only has one-half normal Lore value.

Storm Drummer

STORM DRUMMER: Storm Drummers are particularly powerful bards whose music has the power to summon lightning storms. Their drums and booming voices, loud as thunder, can unnerve both enemies and allies alike. However, their unique abilities have led them to shun metal weapons and armor in order to optimize their abilities.

– +20% bonus to electrical damage dealt from all sources.
– +10% resistance to electrical damage. Gains an additional 5% every three levels.
– The Storm Drummer's Bard Song, "Thunder and Lightning", does not affect allies. Instead, it has a chance of causing bolts of lightning to strike down from the sky dealing electrical damage to all nearby enemies.
1st level: 20% chance of dealing 2d6 electrical damage
4th level: 25% chance of dealing 2d8 electrical damage
7th level: 30% chance of dealing 2d10 electrical damage
10th level: 35% chance of dealing 3d8 electrical damage
13th level: 40% chance of dealing 3d10 electrical damage
16th level: 45% chance of dealing 4d8 electrical damage
19th level: 50% chance of dealing 4d10 electrical damage

Due to the song's magical nature, it can be used indoors.

– From 5th level onwards, may use the Storm Shield ability once per day. Extra uses are gained at 10th and 15th level.

STORM SHIELD: This spell lasts 1 round per level of the caster. It protects the caster completely from lightning, fire, cold, and normal missiles.

– From 10th level onwards, may use the Thunderclap ability once per day.

THUNDERCLAP: The Storm Drummer claps their hands together, causing a deafeningly loud blast of sound. All creatures around the Storm Drummer must save vs. spells at -4 or be stunned for one turn. Even if the save is made successfully, all targets are deafened, suffering a 50% chance to miscast any spells. Only the caster is immune to the spell's effects.

– May not use any metal weapons.
- May not wear armor heavier than studded leather.
– Only has one-half normal Lore value.
– Only has one-half normal Pick Pockets percentage.


TROUBADOUR: Troubadours are musicians that specialize in lyric poetry. Their songs are often of chivalry and courtly love. In adventuring, troubadour bards are valuable due to their proficiency in healing spells, including songs of rejuvenation that protect their comrades. Women that choose the profession of the troubadour are usually known as trobairitz.

– May cast spells while wearing armor.
– The troubadour's Bard Song, "Song of Healing", gradually heals their allies and provides them with resistance to any attempts to impair their movement, magical or otherwise.

1st level: allies regenerate 1 hit point per round and are immune to slows.
9th level: allies regenerate 2 hit points per round and are immune to all movement-impairing effects.
18th level: allies regenerate 3 hit points per round and are immune to all mind-affecting and movement-impairing effects.

– Gains the following priest spells in their spellbook:

1st level: Cure Light Wounds
2nd level: Aid
3rd level: Cure Medium Wounds
4th level: Cure Serious Wounds
5th level: Mass Cure
6th level: Heal

– 10th level: May use the Voice of Peace ability once per day.

VOICE OF PEACE: Chanting a soft melody, the troubadour soothes their allies' spirits and renews their confidence, healing them for 1d6 (+1 per level) hit points. All allies affected also gain 10% physical resistance and immunity to berserk effects for 1 turn. However, allied barbarians and berserkers will find themselves unable to call upon their rage while the aura of calm is in effect.

– 14th level: May use the Sacred Breath ability once per day.

SACRED BREATH: This ability functions the same way as the 5th level priest spell Raise Dead, restoring the target to life.

– May not wear armor heavier than studded leather.
– May only be proficient in weapons usable by thieves.
– Only has one-half Pick Pockets percentage.
– May only be of Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, True Neutral or Chaotic Neutral alignment.


DEATHSINGER: A morbid class of bards, deathsingers take pleasure in singing tales of the macabre, and their magical songs are capable of raising the dead from their graves.

– Receives a +15% bonus when scribing scrolls from the Necromancy school.
– Receives a +2 bonus when making Saving Throws against spells from the Necromancy school.
– Targets suffer a -2 penalty when making Saving Throws against spells from the Necromancy school.
– The Deathsinger's Bard Song, "Call of the Grave", does not assist allies. Instead, the deathsinger may summon undead creatures under control. While singing, the Deathsinger takes a -4 penalty to Armor Class. Each round while the Deathsinger sings, there is a 35% base chance plus 2% for each level of the Deathsinger that a skeleton will answer the call, up to a maximum of 75% at level 20. Any summoned skeletons will be destroyed if the Deathsinger stops singing. The strength and maximum amount of skeletons summoned increases with level.
1st – 5th level: Summons up to two skeletons with 3 HD.
6th – 11th level: Summons up to three skeletons with up to 5 HD.
12th – 17th level: Summons up to four skeletons with up to 7 HD.
18th level: Summons up to five skeletons with up to 9 HD.

– Gains the following spells as mage spells:

1st level: Doom
2nd level: Death Armor
3rd level: Bestow Curse
4th level: Cloak of Fear
5th level: Slay Living
6th level: Destruction

– May not learn or cast any spells of the Illusion school.
– Receives a -15% penalty when scribing scrolls from other schools.
– May not be good-aligned.
– Only has one-quarter Pick Pockets percentage.


Component 2: New Items (BG2:EE only)

This component can only be installed in BG2:EE. It adds a dozen new items, mostly intended for bards although a couple can also be used by other classes.

All items can be bought at Trademeet from a new merchant, Leanne the bard. She can be found in Trademeet, within the blue tent outside of the city. Location here.

Additionally, the PC can purchase one of two legendary weapons only usable by bards for a very high price. In order for her to offer these weapons, the PC must have an 'extreme' reputation (i.e. 20 or 1 reputation). If the PC is a bard, Leanne will offer the weapons at a significant discount, albeit the end cost is still pricey.

The Item Pack adds the following items to the game:
- Unseen +4 (short sword)
- Armor of the Grey Fox +3 (leather armor)
- Resonating Shield +1 (buckler)
- Harp of Tranquility (casts Eldath's Mist 1x/day)
- Haven Lute (casts Otiluke's Resilient Sphere 3x/day)
- Dancing Heels (boots)
- Silence (amulet)
- Cacophonic Voice +4 (halberd)
- Whispering Links +2 (chain mail)
- Cloak of the Wild Singer (cloak)

Leanne's two legendary weapons:
- Dirge +5 (long sword)
- Lament +5 (shortbow)

Additionally - Jester's Chain for Jesters: The Jester's Chain is massively disappointing for two major reasons. One, its intended users, jesters, can't wear it very well due to it disabling casting. Two, it's pretty garbage, especially for the number of tokens you need to give up to acquire it. This is a major error that must be fixed. The improved jester's chain no longer disables spellcasting and provides a jester with an armor class bonus vs. missile weapons. However, the armor may be unpredictable - the wearer has a small chance to cause a wild surge with any spell they cast while wearing the armor. Fortunately, jesters gain a slight edge by having the protection of a Chaos Shield.

Also, the armor is now significantly more colorful. No self-respecting jester would settle for less.

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