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  • Submitted: Nov 06 2016 11:29 AM
  • Last Updated: Nov 06 2016 11:29 AM
  • File Size: 1.67MB
  • Views: 2864
  • Downloads: 605

Download The 1000 - The Restless Edition

* - - - - 2 Votes

Takes away 1000 gold every day. This one is not tied to any particular hour, the counting begins from the hour your game was saved at. You will still be able to buy the equipment with your starting money in a new game.


There are two installers in the package. The 1000 file works as described, and 1000RE instead applies the tax every time the party rests. You should probably choose just one.


1000 was my original goal for the deduction mod, which I then reduced for "The 500." But the game has too many magic weapons and free gold, and 500 is not nearly enough to make any difference. You will feel this one more. The purpose in both cases is to keep the party lean and heroic, relying on its own strength.


"The 1000" also uses a timer instead of a time-of-day check, so it works better.


Includes an optional readme with some considerations about the role of money and treasure.



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