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Download Diablo2 Kit Pack Series for Tob & EE 0.6

Diablo2 Kit Amazon Necromancer Barbarian Paladin

Diablo2 Kit Pack Series for Tob, BGT and EE series.
Those kits gains skills in Diablo2 yet loss most of original skills of BG.
V0.6 Includes Amazon, Assassin, Barbaian, Necromancer and Paladin.
Details can be found in readme in uploaded files
/////Diablo2 Kit Pack - The Amazon Ver 0.4/////////
V0.4 Amazon can wear chain mail armor, but not full plate or plate mail armors.
Fixed the problem that a Decoy with Dodge and Avoid level is unable to stay out of physical and magic attacks.
Removed Valkyrie's magic resistance.
Faster HP Regeneration of Decoy and Valkyrie.
Decoy and Valkyrie are immune to Horror, Charm, Confusion, Feeblemindedness and Unconsciousness.
Decreased the chance that a Valkyrie stuck with other creatures that follow the team over different areas.
Fixed the problem that Pierce never disappears once learned.
When selected, Valkyrie can enter an inactive mode by press "C", and quit the mode by press "C" again. In the inactive mode, she'll not attack enemies initiatively unless get close and attacked by them.
There's no more casting time or casting interval for passive spells which allow the Amazon to enter an offensive mode, e.g. Jab and Magic Arrow.
V0.3 Supports EE and original BG2. Unsuperposable Amazon skills in EE is treated as official spells: the later casted spell directly replace the previous one; while in original BG2, a later spell can only be wasted before the expiring of a previous one.
Fixed the problem of missing chances to learn Dodge and Avoid when starting game directly at TOB.
Dodge grants 6% chance at each learning to stay out of all physical attacks.
Avoid grants 8% chance at each learning to stay out of all spells of offensive damage.
Evade nolonger increases your Magic Resistance, yet grants 10% chance at each learning to stay out of all spells of magic attack, battle ground and disabling.
Yet the new Avoid and Evade give a huge glowing white wiffle ball animation, so a new component for choosing is added to turns off the animation. (This component comes from the Ease of Use Mod Pack, which also turns off the animation for Spell Trap spell and Cloak of Mirroring.)
Decoy gains a slightly longer duration (2 rounds).
V0.2 The bug that Immolation Arrow, Strafe and Freezing Arrow can't be learned is fixed.
Valkyrie's Level, HP and equipments grow faster. On level 40 the Amazon will get a max-leveled Valkyrie with +5 equipments.
Immolation Arrow will burn on ground instead of on enemies.
Damage and max hits of Guided Arrow are increased by 1.
V0.1 Finished the Amazon kit.
Known bugs:
Amazon's combat skills may work together in case that MOD items which have immunity from "Removal: Remove Secondary Type" are equipped.
Decoys and Valkyries do not occupy the limited quantity of summoned units, but when there're already five summoned units, they can't be summoned.
If a character's basic attack rate has already reached 5 times per round, the Pierce skill may cause a decrease of attack rate.
This powerful woman warrior belongs to nomadic bands who roam the plains near the South Sea. The wandering of these groups often brings them into conflict with other peoples, so the Amazon is accustomed to fighting to defend her own. This lifestyle has made her fiercely independent and able to weather severe hardship and travel. While her skill with the bow rivals that of the Rogues, the Amazon is also adept in the use of spears and other throwing weapons, as well as in hand to hand combat. The Amazon is much sought after as a mercenary, in which type of service she will be loyal as long as her own ends are also served.
- Has three skill trees: Javelin and Spear Skills, Passive and Magic Skills, Bow and Crossbow Skills.
- Can be grand master on spear, bow and crossbow.
- Get bonus of +1 to dexterity on character creation.
- Only can be female.
- May not wear full plate or plate mail armors.
- May not dual class.
- May not learn high-level skills of original rangers.
- May not cast Divine Spells.
- May not Charm Animal and be Stealthy.
- Only can be proficient on all weapons except spear, bow and crossbow.
/////Diablo2 Kit Pack - The Assassin Ver 0.2/////////
V0.2 Optimised for EE.
Shadow Master will no longer cast a lot of traps.
In order that key characters will not killed by Death Sentry (which makes the quests uncompletable), Shadow Warrior and Shadow Master can enter an inactive mode by press "C" and quit the mode by press "C" again when selected. In the inactive mode, they'll not attack enemies initiatively unless get close and attacked by them.
Fixed the problem that Extra Skill Points in High-level skills lost their icons.
V0.1 Finished the Assassin kit.
The Weapon Block skill gives a huge glowing white wiffle ball animation, so a component for choosing is added to turns off the animation. (This component comes from the Ease of Use Mod Pack, which also turns off the animation for Spell Trap spell and Cloak of Mirroring.)
Death Sentry is able to cast Corpse Explosion on enemies under LV20. Another component extend this limit to LV32 for players of Legacy of Bhaal mode.
Notice and Bugs:
Only one Assassin is suggested in a whole game, or their skills will be in conflict.
Assassin's skills will have problem in case that MOD items which have immunity from "Removal: Remove Secondary Type" are equipped. This problem does not exist in EE.
The Assassins are an ancient order originally founded by the Vizjerei to hunt down and eliminate rogue mages within their own ranks. Employing secret disciplines to combat and resist the magical abilities of their elusive quarry, the Assassin's bag of tricks includes traps and other infernal devices, martial arts, and powerful mental abilities. Common people know nothing of the Assassins, but they are widely feared and respected by all who employ the magic arts.
- Has three skill trees: Martial Arts, Shadow Disciplines, and Traps.
- Setting traps will surely succeed no matter how many points are put on Trap Setting.
- Gets +1 to amount of traps every 3 levels.
- +25% bonus to Open Locks and Hide in Shadows at start.
- +0.5 attak per round at level 1 and level 15.
- Can specialize in any melee weapon that a thief can use.
- Automaticly get 2 slots on Two Weapon Style at start.
- No backstab multiplier
- May not learn high-level skills of original Theives.
/////Diablo2 Kit Pack - The Barbaian Ver 1.0/////////
V1.0 Increased Speed only +1 bonus to walk speed per skill level.
Find Potion can create Small Rejuvenation Potions and Full Rejuvenation Potions with a chance of less than 1%. Small Rejuvenation Potion recover 35% HP and recall 1 spells per spell level, Full Rejuvenation Potion recover 100% HP and recall all spells and skills.
Cancelled the level limit of Howl.
Iron Skin provides +2 AC bonus per level.
Fixed the bug that Double Swing does not automatically repeat casting itself.
Blade Mastery also gives proficiency in dagger.
V0.9 Spear Mastery is replaced by Blade Mastery, which gives proficiency in blade style including scimitar and katana. Proficiency in spear is integrated into Polearm Mastery.
Find Potion can create some other potions.
V0.8 Supports EE and original BG2. Unsuperposable Barbaian skills in EE is treated as official spells: the later casted spell directly replace the previous one; while in original BG2, a later spell can only be wasted before the expiring of a previous one.
Can wear plate and full plate armor now, but nolonger immune to backstab.
The bug of several buttons of "Increased Speed" vanish with one click when starting game in TOB, is fixed.
Effects and save penalties of some skills are adjusted.
Warcries, Leap and Leap Attack become slower.
Leap has a distance limit at low level.
Howl and Taunt now work on enemies with higher level than the barbarian, but still has a limit of level 20. A component of no level limit is supplied for players of difficult MODs.
The bug of Frenzy cause a decline of attacks per round after 5 attacks is fixed. It's also enhanced to a easy achieving of 10 attacks per round.
Some skills that can stun enemies also gain ability of pause enemies, which may affect enemies that immune to stun.
V0.7 The problem that some skills disappear with Ctrl+R is fixed.
Adjusted damage of Leap Attack, Whirlwind and Berserk.
Adjusted Max HP of Battle Orders.
The Barbaian now can be master in weapons except bow and crossbow.
Five Skill Point can be obtained after 3,000,000 exp from interface of choosing High-Level skills.
V0.6 Effects of Howl and Taunt get a little advance, yet the skills also get level restrictions.
V0.5 Remaked all skill icons.
V0.4 Weakened the Taunt skill, enhanced the Double Swing skill. Traditional Chinese version added.
V0.3 Fixed the mode of getting and casting skills: gain one "Skill Point" each level until 20, player can gain one skill that you like to learn by consuming each "Skill Point".
V0.2 Tried to challenge a perfect mode of getting and casting skills, but failed. Unreleased version.
V0.1 Finished the Barbaian kit.
Barberian gains one "Skill Point" each level until 20, player can gain one skill that you like to learn by consuming each "Skill Point".
*If you do press a "Skill Point" at skill table but do not make your choice from the arisen skills, the "Skill Point" will be wasted!
Many skills do not appear at low level. Maybe you'd store the "Skill Points" up to high level to purchase powerful skills.
Known bugs:
Barbarian's combat skills may work together in case that MOD items which have immunity from "Removal: Remove Secondary Type" are equipped.
This bug does not exist in EE version.
The Barbarian, a member of any of several tribes on the fringes of civilization, rebuffs the influence of those he sees as soft and weak. Ceaseless clan warfare and the constant struggle to survive in the hostile wilderness are evident in the Barbarian's sturdy and powerful frame. Though perhaps lacking the sophistication of his civilized contemporaries, the Barbarian has an acute awareness of his surroundings. Because of his shamanistic belief in the animal powers with whom he identifies, the Barbarian is sometimes associated with stories of lycanthropy. In fact, he believes that he can improve his superb battle tactics by calling upon the totemic animal spirits to infuse him with supernormal strengths and abilities.
- Has a D12 Hit Die instead of D10.
- Get bonus of +1 to strength and vitality on character creation.
- Three skill trees: Warcries, Combat Masteries and Combat Skills.
- Get penalty of -2 to intelligence and charisma on character creation.
- May not dual class.
- May not learn high-level skills of original fighters.
- Only can be master in weapons except bow and crossbow.
- Only can be proficient in bow and crossbow.
/////Diablo2 Kit Pack - The Necromancer Ver 0.7/////
V0.7 A component is added to make the Necromancer able to cast Divine Spells in BG.
Fix the problem that some summoned units are given worng names in BGEE.
Summoned units are nolonger in a Level Drain state.
Bone Walls are immune to Wing Buffet and Teleport Field.
Skeleton and Skeletal Mage will nolonger be directly killed by Death Spell.
Iron Maiden becomes a no-save spell.
+1 enchantment to weapons of golems and skeletons.
Faster HP Regeneration of summoned units.
Revival Mastery give 2 class levels' enhancement each time instead of 1 class level.
When selected, Golems, Skeletons and Skeletal Mages can enter an inactive mode by press "C", and quit the mode by press "C" again. In the inactive mode, they'll not attack enemies initiatively unless get close and attacked by them.
V0.6 Supports EE and original BG2. Unsuperposable Necromancer spells in EE is treated as official spells: the later casted spell directly replace the previous one; while in original BG2, a later spell can only be wasted before the expiring of a previous one.
A component is added to extend level limits of Revive, Corpse Explosion, Poison Explosion and Attract to LV.32 for players of Legacy of Bhaal mode.
Necromancer's minions are immune to poison and poison damage.
Revive will drain 2 levels of experience for creatures beyond level limit or successfully save vs. spell.
Attract will bring a penalty of -2 AC for creatures beyond level limit or successfully save vs. spell.
Corpse Explosion will bring a penalty of -2 to saves for creatures beyond level limit or successfully save vs. spell.
Each piece of Bone Armor gain one more blocking chance for each 5 levels of Necromancer.
Save penalty of some spells will be enhanced as Necromancer's level increases.
V0.5 Fixed the problem that Fire Golem damages party members continuously after death.
Enhanced Revive, Corpse Explosion and Posion Explosion: some effects for creatures beyond level 20 or successfully save vs. spell.
V0.4 Fixed the problem of wrong summoning of skeleton mage at low and high level.
V0.3 Fixed the problem of game crash when summoning Fire Golem at high level.
Skeleton Mastery and Golem Mastery enhances creatures with 2 level per choice.
Priest spell slots penalties are cancelled because they may cause some problem.
Give another 3D Effect to Dim Vision because the old one often displays as half of a full graphic.
V0.2 Fixed the AI problem of summoned creatures caused by conflict with some tactics MODs on using of extra weapon proficiency.
Bone Wall becomes three piles of bones, each of them has less HP than before.
V0.1 Finished the Necromancer kit.
Notice and Bugs:
Only one Necromancer is suggested in a whole game, or amount and high-leveled skill of summoned creatures will be in conflict.
Necromancer's curses may work together in case that MOD items which have immunity from "Removal: Remove Secondary Type" are equipped by enemies.
Sometimes golems may disappear when players move between areas. Try press the Select All button at the bottom right corner and use the Debug Mode hot key CTRL+J. Or try to summon another golem, the first summoned golem may disappear, and the second one will stay behind.
Golems and Bone Walls do not occupy the limited quantity of summoned units, but when there're already five summoned units, they can't be summoned.
From the steamy recesses of the southern swamps comes a figure cloaked in mystery. The Necromancer, as his name implies, is an unseemly form of sorcerer whose spells deal with the raising of the dead and the summoning and control of various creatures for his purposes. Though his goals are often aligned with those of the forces of Light, some do not think that these ends can justify his foul means. Long hours of study in dank mausolea have made his skin pale and corpselike, his figure, skeletal. Most people shun him for his peculiar looks and ways, but none doubt the power of the Necromancer, for it is the stuff of nightmares.
- New divine spells and high-level skills: Summoning Spells, Poison and Bone Spells, Curses.
- Get bonus of +1 to intelligence and wisdom on character creation.
- May not learn divine spells and high-level skills of original clerics.
- May not be good alignments.
- May not turn endead.
- Get penalty of -2 to vitality and charisma on character creation.
- May not dual class.
/////Diablo2 Kit Pack - The Paladin Ver 0.9/////////
V0.9 Fixed the bug that Holy Shield may not take effect.
Get Aura of Defiance at LV5 and Resist Lightning in LV10.
Conviction and Salvation becomes High-Level skills.
Conversion is not necessary when Learning some of the High-Level skills.
Increased the damage of Vengeance.
There's no more casting time or casting interval for passive spells which allow the Paladin to enter an offensive mode, e.g. Vengeance and Conversion.
V0.8 Supports EE and original BG2. Unsuperposable Paladin skills in EE is treated as official spells: the later casted spell directly replace the previous one; while in original BG2, a later spell can only be wasted before the expiring of a previous one.
Rapidly switching between auras of direct attack will no longer deals reduplicative damages.
Added 10% chance to Conversion.
Holy Shield no longer presents magic resistance, but generates chance to block physical attacks and spells of offensive damage. Yet the new Holy Shield gives a huge glowing white wiffle ball animation, so a new component for choosing is added to turns off the animation. (This component comes from the Ease of Use Mod Pack, which also turns off the animation for Spell Trap spell and Cloak of Mirroring.)
Fixed auras' effecting modes to:
1. Auras of enhancing abilities (Resist Fire, Resist Cold, Resist Lightning, Defiance, Vigor, Salvation, Might, Blessed Aim, Concentration, Fanaticism): Take effect immediately and keep active while any creature is nearby.
2. Auras of direct attack (Holy Fire, Holy Freeze, Holy Shock, Sanctuary): Immediately attack once when being chosen, then only take effect when enemies are insight.
3. Auras of regeneration (Meditation, Redemption): After being chosen, only take effect when enemies are insight.
4. Auras of long term curing (Prayer): Take effect while any creature is nearby.
5. Auras of curing negative states (Cleansing): The same as 1.
6. Auras of weakening abilities (Conviction):The same as 2.
7. Auras of indirect attack (Thorns):The same as 3.
V0.7 The problem that some skills disappear with Ctrl+R is fixed.
Some overpowered skills are weaken.
Adjusted damage of some skills.
Five Skill Point can be obtained after 3,000,000 exp from interface of choosing High-Level skills.
V0.6 Auras' swithing no longer takes an extra round.
Effecting mode of Conviction become the same as auras of regeneration.
V0.5 Sacrifice now increases damage at the cost of 8% health on hit, and no longer kill character on rest.
V0.4 Fixed auras' temporary noneffective to friendly creatures.
V0.3 Improved the effect of Prayer.
Fixed auras' effecting modes to:
1. Auras of enhancing abilities (Resist Fire, Resist Cold, Resist Lightning, Defiance, Vigor, Salvation, Might, Blessed Aim, Concentration, Fanaticism): Take effect any time after being chosen.
2. Auras of regeneration (Prayer, Meditation, Redemption): After being chosen, only take effect when enemies are insight.
3. Auras of direct attack (Holy Fire, Holy Freeze, Holy Shock, Sanctuary): Immediately attack once when being chosen, then only take effect when enemies are insight.
4. Auras of curing negative states (Cleansing): The same as 1.
5. Auras of indirect attack (Thorns):The same as 2.
6. Auras of weakening abilities (Conviction):The same as 2.
V0.2 Fixed the start bonus. Fixed some details in Readme.
V0.1 Finished the Paladin kit.
Paladin automatically gets various auras at different levels. The auras, which take effect during battles, can be switched freely.
Here are auras' effecting modes:
1. Auras of enhancing abilities (Resist Fire, Resist Cold, Resist Lightning, Defiance, Vigor, Salvation, Might, Blessed Aim, Concentration, Fanaticism): Take effect immediately and keep active while any creature is nearby.
2. Auras of direct attack (Holy Fire, Holy Freeze, Holy Shock, Sanctuary): Immediately attack once when being chosen, then only take effect when enemies are insight.
3. Auras of regeneration (Meditation, Redemption): After being chosen, only take effect when enemies are insight.
4. Auras of long term curing (Prayer, Cleansing): The same as 1.
5. Auras of weakening abilities (Conviction):The same as 2.
6. Auras of indirect attack (Thorns):The same as 3.
Paladin Gain one "Skill Point" each level until 3,000,000 exp, player can gain one Combat Skill that you like to learn by consuming each "Skill Point".
*If you do press a "Skill Point" at skill table but do not make your choice from the arisen skills, the "Skill Point" will be wasted!
Some skills do not appear at low level. Maybe you'd store the "Skill Points" up to high level to purchase powerful skills.
The auras are compatible with the "Jamella's Diablo2 Item Store for BG2TOB". If there is an aura on items from Jamella's Store, and the same aura casted by character from "Diablo2 Kit Pack - The Paladin" exists at the same place, only the aura casted by Paladin works.
Known bugs:
If several Paladins open the same aura, the effects will pile up.
Paladin's auras of enhancing abilities may not take effect until there're some other creatures around. This problem may be ignored in team work, yet may bring a little trouble to solo play.
The problems above do not exist in EE games.
After choosing Redemption and Fanaticism in High-Level skills, buttons of Defensive Auras and Offensive Auras may be doubled.
If you enter the Character sheet without pausing the game, auras may temporarily work abnormally.
Paladin's auras may work together in case that MOD items which have immunity from "Removal: Remove Secondary Type" are equipped. Some of the Combat Skills may also work together.
The Knights of Westmarch who felled the armies of mighty Leoric are pure at heart and closely follow the teachings of Zakarum, the Religion of the Light. A battle-ready warrior for whom faith is a shield, the Paladin fights for what he believes to be right. His steadfastness gives him powers to bestow blessings to his friends and wreak cruel justice on foes. There are those who call the Paladin an overwrought zealot, but others recognize in him the strength and goodness of the Light.
- Has three skill trees: Defensive Auras, Offensive Auras and Combat Skills.
- Automaticly get two slots on sword and shield class at start.
- May not use 'lay on hands' ability.
- May not cast priest spells.
- May not turn Undead.
- Only can put one slot on single weapon, two weapon and two handed class.
- Only can be proficient in two-handed weapons and ranged weapons.
- May not learn high-level skills of original Paladins.
What's New in Version 0.6 (See full changelog)
- ama v0.4 asn v0.2 bar v1.0 nec v0.7 pal v0.9
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