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- Submitted: Jun 13 2014 04:04 PM
- Last Updated: Jan 29 2023 07:44 AM
- File Size: 2.45MB
- Views: 20286
- Downloads: 12528
Previous Versions
29 Jan 2023
29 Jan 2023
02 Jul 2022
02 Jul 2022
15 Aug 2014
15 Jun 2014
14 Jun 2014
13 Jun 2014

v7 29/01/23
Icewind Dale 2 is the clearly superior game, and yet it has next to no mods. Obviously this is because people thought you can't improve perfection. Well, they were clearly wrong.
- Fixed the triggers for the shapechanger letter questline.
- Fixed a trigger for the Diviner kit in Elytharra's dialog.
- Fixed triggers in Koluhm's dialogue about the ghost-touched bottle. Also, the dialog with Veira's ghost.
- Fixed multiple instances of wrong globals framing.
- Ulbrec can now recognize whether the ship has landed.
- Fixed triggers pertaining to Valin's note.
- Isherwood is no longer main quest-critical after helping him.
- About 40 creatures had faulty See() triggers which, while not an error in themselves, keep coming up as errors in trigger serch.
- You can now mention the retributive strike to Oria, if you have enough Knowledge (Arcana).
- Your friendly Remorhaz will now properly clear his actions.
- Kurttu can now recognize you as a halfling.
- Malavon can now recognize you as a drow.
- Iyachtu Xvim can now recognize you as good.
- Multiple cutscenes have had their resource name fixed.
- Guthma, Nathan, the statues in Severed Hand and a cat had their dialogues restored.
- A wrong OR() action in the ritual script has been fixed and trimmed to 20.
- Both existing shorthorns now play a sound while used.
- A whole lot of Orogs and Neo-Orogs now carry 1/4 plate armor.
- Changed all undead's gender to NIETHER.
- Fixed lots of non-existing SPECIFIC calls.
- Fixed weapon proficiencies for the Star Metal Cudgel.
- Fixed Pudu's Blight's, Stunning Arrows +1's and Stun Flail +1's stunning chance value. [Weimer]
- Fixed spelling errors in the HoF drop table. [Weimer]
- Phaen drops his correct staff. [Weimer]
- The Bastard Sword of Heroism now gives you the proper attack bonus. [Weimer]
- Screamer gives a strength bonus while thrown. [Weimer]
- Shambling Mounds' weapon now properly cast Entangle. [Weimer]
- Fixed slowdowns in Goblin Warrens, Chult jungle and the Dragon's Eye. [Q&E]
- Symbol of Hopelessness and Symbol of Pain are now scribable by Diviners. [Gimble]
- Returning File Dagger +1 now has a fixed item type and deals the correct damage type while meleeing. [Gimble]
- Selune's Blessing item type has been fixed to Maces. [Gimble]
- Charged Short Sword of Wounding no longer hurts the wielder. [Gimble]
- Battleaxe of Decay now deals extra damage to Lawful creatures. [Gimble]
- Mace +5 now has the correct enchantment. [Gimble]
- Shortbow of Spell Resistance +1 now correctly grants spell resistance.
- Fixed the typo in crelight.2da which incorrectly caused half-orcs to have wrong Hide results.
- Fixed the script in Oswald's ship crash incorrectly targeting Player2.
- Fixed the typo in rt_norm.2da which made the Tower Shield of Spell Resistance unobtainable on normal difficulties.
- Tymora's Melody now adds +2 to Alchemy skills just like it's supposed to.
- Normalized the undead status between all undead.
- Provided padding IDS files to make the mod install smoothly.
- Niles can be sold a bottle of braehg.
- Nathaniel will now give the player a scroll of Sunbeam for laying Egenia's spirit to rest.
- Jerre will properly disappear after being freed.
- The player can now receive a ship's prow from Gohar. Not of use, but nice to have.
- Jorun can now give the player a crane wheel which can be used to fix the crane.
- Mooncalf's shield and Tabard's shield now appear as large shields on the character. [KC]
- The Winged Blight greatsword's description has been matched to its effect. [KC]
- The Footman's Folly shield's description has been adjusted to list 5% spell failure chance. [KC]
- The Wandering Sky greatsword's description now mentions recharging afer resting. [KC]
- The cleric of Selune's Moon shield spell has been fixed to not stack with itself. [KC]
- Great White Wyrm's Maw has been fixed to pause the caster when using the cone of cold breath ability. [KC]
- Renamed the ATTSTYL.IDS to ATTSTYLE.IDS, fixing multiple scripts.
- Fixed multiple instances of erroneous class masks in the MarkSpellAndObject() action.
- A large number of armors have been adjusted to no longer disable Arcane spells.
- Smaller number of armors had their categories match the listed type.
- The Winged Blight greatsword's description has been matched to its effect. [KC]
- The Footman's Folly shield's description has been adjusted to list 5% spell failure chance. [KC]
- The Wandering Sky greatsword's description now mentions recharging afer resting. [KC]
- The cleric of Selune's Moon shield spell has been fixed to not stack with itself. [KC]
- Great White Wyrm's Maw has been fixed to pause the caster when using the cone of cold breath ability. [KC]
- Renamed the ATTSTYL.IDS to ATTSTYLE.IDS, fixing multiple scripts.
- Fixed multiple instances of erroneous class masks in the MarkSpellAndObject() action.
- A large number of armors have been adjusted to no longer disable Arcane spells.
- Smaller number of armors had their categories match the listed type.
- Restored the following spells:
-- Produce Fire
-- Dimension Door
-- Translocation Trick
-- Lutzaen's Frequent Jaunt
-- Righteous Wrath of the Faithful
- Restored an encounter with Ubchug Babblemug in Severed Hand. [Redrake]
- Restored a chat with Goublika and his giants. [Redrake]
[Weimer] - Original fix by Weimer.
[Q&E] - Original fix by Quint & Extremist.
[Gimble] - Original fix by Gimble.
[Redrake] - Originally found by Redrake.
[Q&E] - Original fix by, or found by, Kevin Callirgos.
Fixed the fixpack-introduced Oria loop bug.
Adapted fixes strewn across the net.
Extended the mod with a specific version of Unfinished Business.
Fixed the typo in rt_norm.2da which made the Tower Shield of Spell Resistance unobtainable on normal difficulties.
Tymora's Melody now adds +2 to Alchemy skills just like it's supposed to.
Normalized the undead status between all undead.
Repackaged with new executables. It's been eight years.
Removed Spook. Not a 3E spell.
Provided padding IDS files to make the mod install smoothly.
Niles can be sold a bottle of braehg.
Nathaniel will now give the player a scroll of Sunbeam for laying Egenia's spirit to rest.
Jerre will properly disappear after being freed.
The player can now receive a ship's prow from Gohar. Not of use, but nice to have.
Jorun can now give the player a crane wheel which can be used to fix the crane.
Adapted fixes by Kevin Callirgos found on his website.
Renamed the ATTSTYL.IDS to ATTSTYLE.IDS, fixing multiple scripts.
Fixed multiple instances of erroneous class masks in the MarkSpellAndObect() action.
Fixed a self-induced typo in Pudu's Blight stun chance value.
A large number of armors have been adjusted to no longer disable Arcane spells.
Smaller number of armors had their categories match the listed type.
Adapted fixes by Kevin Callirgos found on his website.
Renamed the ATTSTYL.IDS to ATTSTYLE.IDS, fixing multiple scripts.
Fixed multiple instances of erroneous class masks in the MarkSpellAndObect() action.
Fixed a self-induced typo in Pudu's Blight stun chance value.
A large number of armors have been adjusted to no longer disable Arcane spells.
Smaller number of armors had their categories match the listed type.
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