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- Submitted: Aug 31 2013 03:35 AM
- Last Updated: Aug 31 2013 03:35 AM
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Download The Secret of BoneHill v275c

Secret of BoneHill v275c

This is the BG version of the classic PnP mods, L1 and L2. In the first part, you are sent to the town of Restenford on the Isle of Lendore. There you must solve various problems that are affecting the town. Gnolls, bandits, orcs and undead are everywhere. A new NPC, Fabio, a human bard, is available to join your party.
In part two, you are sent back to Restenford to solve a murder mystery. You must travel to the evil town of Garrotten where it is known that an assassin's guild is established. Find the murderer before the guild comes after you.
What's New in Version v275c (See full changelog)
- Fix for [url=]crash at rest in BH2103[/url]: alternative version (compared to the one already posted) restoring the guard waking you up, as in the Tutu version of the area,
- [url=]Scud's creatures and item fixes[/url] included in Big World Fixpack,
- Fix for potential journal entries not disappearing when quest is done (Graoumf and Isaya): slightly different texts were used when giving or updating the quest and when marking the quest as done, hence preventing the texts from being removed from the quests (a few cases in english, typically more in translations),
- Tentative fix for [url=]a crash in Zahrdahl house, second floor[/url],
- Fixed a few issues with the spanish translation (wrong file names, shift in text number),
- Updated to WeiDU v231.
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