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  • Submitted: May 12 2013 10:33 AM
  • Last Updated: Jun 09 2013 03:31 PM
  • File Size: 2.69MB
  • Views: 12188
  • Downloads: 34658
  • Forum: http://www.shsforums.net/forum/234-miscellaneous-released-mods/

Previous Versions

  • 24 May 2013 Download Kit Tomes for BGT, TuTu & BG:EE 2.0
  • 24 May 2013 Download Kit Tomes for BGT, TuTu & BG:EE 2.0
  • 24 May 2013 Download Kit Tomes for BGT, TuTu & BG:EE 1.0a
  • 12 May 2013 Download Kit Tomes for BGT, TuTu & BG:EE 1.0a
  • 12 May 2013 Download Kit Tomes for BGT, TuTu & BG:EE 1.0

Download Kit Tomes for BGT, TuTu & BG:EE 2.01

* * * * * 2 Votes
Kit Tome Merchant

Kit Tomes for BGT, TuTu & BG:EE v2.01
by Smeagolheart
This mod adds magical career tomes to the first Baldur's Gate game.  These tomes can add a kit to a PC or NPC character.   
Characters can pick up one (1) class kit using a Magic Career Tome.   For example,  a multiclassed elven Fighter/Mage was able to toggle between Fighter/Enchanter or Berserker/Mage  but is not able to become a Berserker/Enchanter.  If that same character was a human who dual classed (instead of multiclass elf), they  would be able to pick the same classes (so Fighter/Enchanter or Berserker/Mage but not Berserker/Enchanter).  These tomes can help create combinations not normally available without using a tool such as Shadowkeeper.  Well, instead of firing up Shadowkeeper, you can accomplish the same in game now.  Gnomish Necromancers?  Mutliclassed Kensai/Cleric?  Oh yeah those are possible.
Using a tome will removes the all of active creature's current kits and add the specified kit.  Abilities from any  previous kit are removed if applicable.  Class restrictions do apply for kits. When attempting adding an invalid kit, the existing kit (if any) will be replied; it will be as if nothing happened.  So if you do not qualify for Berserker because you have already taken PIPs in a ranged weapon, for example, nothing would happen if you used the Tome of the Berserker.  Use these tomes with caution until you understand the ramifications, save your game before you use one so the worst thing that could happen is a reload.
When the first Baldur's Gate was created, there were no kits.  In Baldur's Gate 2, characters start out at a later level and can have a kit.  
If you began a character without a kit in the first game; they gained the kit somehow by the time of the second game.  This mod aims to give players a means to explain how their characters evolved.  A person can give their PC a story like "I started out as a Fighter out of Candlekeep, then I dual classed to Cleric and I went on this quest where I learned how to be a cleric of Helm."  Boom - Fighter / Cleric of Helm.   
The first game already has the famous Stat Tomes that you come across and this mod aims to expand that type of gameplay decision.
What about BG2?  The idea of the mod has roots mostly in BG1, where players are developing their characters before they are the seasoned adventurers that start out in BG2.  In the future, these tomes could be incorporated into BG2 if there is demand.  He could be staying in the Copper Coronet for example.  I think it makes more sense to keep this feature available at lower levels in BG1 to prevent too much cheese.   If it's BG2 someone could, right before fighting a boss, change kits to something he hasn't been his whole adventuring career.
If you really want this incorporated into BG2 you can use CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("s9panver") and the tome merchant will appear into your SOA or TOB game.
This mod has two main options.   You can install only the Tome Merchant or Quest Givers which reward the player with Tomes and the Tome Merchant.
If you install only the merchant, Panver the Loremaster, he will be found outside of the Friendly Arm Inn.
If you install the Quest Givers, Panver is moved to the Elfsong Tavern in Baldur's Gate.  The quest givers reward the player with a tome after completing a short quest.  Quest givers are not designed to offer complex or hugely difficult quests, normally they integrate with existing quests or NPCs, and just offer a different angle on why you are doing that quest.  Quest givers should be easy to spot and are generally located in close proximity of Beregost and adjacent areas.   They normally come in pairs and offer one tome from among the pairs profession as a reward for completing their quest.  There is a Paladin/Cleric pair offering a choice from among paladin or cleric tomes as a reward for example and so on.
You can adjust Panver's stock of tomes to either 1, 2, 6, or 0 (if you want him to not sell tomes).  If you set him to offer 0 tomes then the rewards from the quest givers will be the only way to get a tome.
Bard and Thief tomes may run into problems with Lore points and skill points respectively as most of the classes modify these.   If one were to pick up an Assassin kit after so many straight thief levels, their skill points would not becorrect.  Don't expect the game to be able to retroactively subtract
 skill points.  Panver will sell you these tomes but only if you request to see his special stock.   Thief tomes probably work best on a dual classed 
 character on his/her first level as a thief.  
To Install (For BG:EE):
At the moment the Weidu installer semi-works with BG:EE
Unzip the mod to your 00766 folder.
Make a backup of your chitin key and your dialog.tlk (lang\en_US) Only in 
English at the moment.
Take your dialog.tlk and place it in your 00766 folder.
Double click the SETUP-kittomes application.
Follow the install instruction from that.
Now that is done place your dialog.tlk file back under your lang\en_US folder
Play the game and enjoy.
To Install (For BGT, Tutu):
Unzip the mod to your game folder.
Make a backup of your chitin key and your dialog.tlk
Double click the SETUP-kittomes application.
Follow the install instruction from that.
Play the game and enjoy.
Thanks everyone for the help, especially ulb & Argent77
Version History:
V2.01 6/09/13
-Compatibility fixes for BGEE
-Added Archer Kit
V2.00 5/24/13
-Added Barbarian, Wildmage tomes along with Thief and Bard tomes.
-Added quest givers who can reward the PC with tomes as an option at install.
-Major revisions
V1.00 5/12/13
First release
download link

What's New in Version 2.01 (See full changelog)

  • V2.01 6/09/13
  • -Compatibility fixes for BGEE
  • -Added Archer Kit
  • V2.00 5/24/13
  • -Added Barbarian, Wildmage tomes along with Thief and Bard tomes.
  • -Added quest givers who can reward the PC with tomes as an option at install.
  • -Major revisions
  • V1.00 5/12/13
  • First release



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