File Information
- Submitted: Dec 30 2012 04:34 PM
- Last Updated: Nov 26 2013 04:13 PM
- File Size: 30.36MB
- Views: 16669
- Downloads: 24059
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Download Psionics Unleashed 0.3

Psionics Unleashed is a BGII mod that aims to add a fully functional psionic system and psionic character classes based on 3.5 ed. Dungeons & Dragons. Because of the nature of the Infinity Engine and because Baldur's Gate games are based on the 2nd ed. of AD&D, this reproduction couldn't be 100% faithful and some compromises had to be made along the way.
The mod works with Baldurs Gate 2: Enhanced Edition, Baldurs Gate II: ToB and the following conversions: (Easy)TUTU, Baldur's Gate Trilogy, Classic Adventures.
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