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  • Submitted: Dec 14 2012 09:06 PM
  • Last Updated: Dec 17 2012 08:15 AM
  • File Size: 628.12K
  • Views: 13265
  • Downloads: 5053

Previous Versions

  • 14 Dec 2012 Download Cleric Class Kit: Scion of Murder 1.0.1
  • 14 Dec 2012 Download Cleric Class Kit: Scion of Murder 1.0.1
  • 14 Dec 2012 Download Cleric Class Kit: Scion of Murder 1.0
  • 14 Dec 2012 Download ScionOfMurder.zip 1.0

Download Cleric Class Kit: Scion of Murder 1.1.0

* * * * * 1 Votes
Kit Cleric Bhaalspawn WeiDU

New Cleric Kit: Scion of Murder

This adds a new cleric kit to BG:EE, the Scion of Murder. In order to work as designed the mod also removed the hard-restriction that prevents clerics from equipping edged weapons. The kit can work without this change, but will have proficiencies available for weapons it can not equip in such a case. The installer will provide the option of skipping individual components.

README.txt file included with instructions for installation and further details.

Kit Description

SCION OF MURDER: Some of the Bhaalspawn discovered their inherited power early in life and, whether they understood its true nature or not, embraced it. Rather than devoting themselves to some existing deity these scions turned their conviction inward, cultivating their own divine spark and reaping the nascent power of their progenitor.

ALIGNMENT: Any Chaotic or Evil
"Those who both respect the rule of law and the freedom or lives of others simply lack the ethical perspective required to become a living embodiment of murder."

EQUIPMENT: Scions may use Cleric equipment and wield all one handed melee weapons. Scions have access to all styles except two-handed, and may specialize in daggers, short swords, the single weapon style, and dual wielding.
"The Bhaalspawn are Scions of murder, not wholesale slaughter. Thus they favor weapons that can be carried casually and quickly thrust between the ribs or skull of an unsuspecting enemy."

REQUIREMENTS: 12 Str, 9 Dex, 12 Wis

- Invisibility: Once per day at level 1, with an additional use every 4 levels thereafter
- Backstab: While invisible or otherwise hidden the Scion may backstab as a thief of the same level
- Hold Person: Once per day at level 5, with an additional use every 5 levels thereafter

- None

Mod Components

Relax Restrictions: This removes the hard restriction on edged weapons for all clerics. This does not allow any clerics to take those proficiencies (except for the Scion of Murder, of course).

Scion Abilities: This creates two new spl files in the override directory for the innate abilities of the Scion. Without this, the kit loses half of what makes it unique.

Scion Kit: This is the actual class kit. Description follows.

What's New in Version 1.1.0 (See full changelog)

  • Consolidated two of the install components, as there was no reason for them to be separate.

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